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[ Events ] Battle Armor Event + Costs


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 17:29:00Show All Posts
  • ainsxz On 2016-09-30 04:33:22
  • Business is business, oasgame is all about the money really. they do not care the F2P, wanna know why? I ve seen better event frm other game provider of Naruto online, hey if it was english I will transfer, but unfortunately they are language I do not understand.

    Buying Rank 9 BA now is useless, it is encouraging players to go end content faster, once we reached there, you can not find people at your range anymore, my suggestion to OASGAME is that if they will make event, make it something that is fairly hard to obtain but not that hard where you need to spend 200k ingot or 3-4k USD for a single ninja that will be useless once Top Tier ninja comes out in the future.
You're comparing our version (which has been out for roughly 2 months) to versions of the game that have been out for years. It's not even that enticing to up BA for Tobirama, because it's as you say he's not game breaking (thankfully, because battle rank 9 with a OP ninja would be just dumb).

It just looks like an event that will come back every few months and people may want to spend to upgrade their BA for extra rewards.
mad*** posted at 2016-9-30 16:57
yes exactly, like that guy in germany, he topped up 100 000 ingots to do 900 pulls from kage treas ...

Seeing how the events have gotten better and the pace in which they're releasing updates, I don't know how anyone can think they aren't "listening" to our feedbacks. I believe Aristeaus stated Oasis never even had intentions to release EU servers, but they did, to cater to their players. Be patient and stop expecting this newly released game to have the same content and events as their MUCH older versions.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 17:53:47Show All Posts
  • Hasahyo On 2016-09-30 17:36:29
  • nice try but not works for someone who spent ten thousands of $ on games for last X years

    if you open/implement new event in game where ppl need to spend 5000-6000$ there is absolutly no problem to add 1 rabate event with even like 20-50% rabate back in coupons.

    that rewards for upgrading battle armore are jokes... for example u will get like 90 medium threads for rank 5 i believe, u need 200x5 (with no crit luck) to get rank what is 90 compared to 1000 ? a serious joke
What doesn't work because you spent thousands on other games...? What other game did you spend thousands on during its first 2 months of release and got 50% return the next day from the company?

Sure, but I highly doubt this event was made intending its players to spend 5k-6k. You ignored my post in that this event looks like it will come back again in the future, and each time you may spend a bit to get to the next rank of rewards.

Again, if you were already almost there, you could spend a bit to get rank 5 and those 90 medium threads for a jump start towards rank 6. You act like this event was the only event that came out this week and you absolutely need to use it in its entirety.
Quicky Post

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