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No anniversary event in game?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-24 01:04:44Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello :)

I was a bit surprised to log in forum this week and to realize its actually anniversary week of the game. I saw two topics about this but they disappeared somewhere. Anyway, I was just wondering why it was not mention in game (As mail, or well..event as past years) about the anniversary. Not so many people check the forum and this also surprised me - that there is anniversary events her in forum (good job on that) but why they decide to skip such in the game? As , like I mention, past years we always had something to celebrate the anniversary, and I think we all can agree its a nice thing.

I would love if someone actually have answer to this question,heh. After all...we are part of the game too, and i think on first place in the game should be the main celebration and not in the forum, even if i believe there was times with outside log in calendars to claim rewards and so on... Plus many of us are in this game from almost the beginning...And its actually a nice thing if we can celebrate the anniversary of the game we still play (i feel i already wrote that,lol). Its important and can show Oasis do care for this things, like this..without even mention it leave a salty and sad feeling...

Looking forward to learn more on this topic...hope with positive answer :) Have a nice day.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-25 00:16:04Show All Posts

Hello, thank you for your answer!

I did play past 2 weeks, as every day in past 5 years, but like The_X said we pretty much get the same events with a bit of a change. Before actually some of them, as fireworks (just for example), was for special events not here and there. There was some events as Naruto Birthday that we didnt had in years but I guess they just drop and wont appear anymore. But recently we have just same,lets say 10,events going on. And...I cant really call (or feel) any of them special as "Anniversary event". Before we had such with this name, we had mails in the I think you understand why it feel a bit off. It dont feel as special week but "a normal weekly events, with the usual montly Fuku". Fuku that is really similar to other we had around month or two ago...the last one with same price, that...if someone (like me) who got it back then, dont have point to go for it again.

And usually we also get something for free, of course its devs decision if we get something or not, but this time...5 years is a lot. We are here, supporting this game for all this time, we need (and kind of deserve, in my opinion) a bit more than...than this. It should be mutual respect. Plus in newer servers there is probably not people who stack 60k to make this Fuku. I get and know the game is alive because of spenders and that thanks to them game is alive, but there is a bit more than just people who spend a lot in that game. There is free to play community and little kids actually. And some would be happy even to a Ninja or...or well,anything.

My server is not from talktive ones, and seems like not many of them..or any use the forums often. Because for sure I did not heard about the forum events from anyone, but of course this is not your fault. Also I did not know there is again official discord, I just remember there was one few years ago and it dissapeared one day. But again - its my fault for not doing the research on that.

Just I wish we had something in the game to show us its actually anniversary, we to feel the celebrating spirit and especially when it come to such big milestone - 5 years. Not many games out there reach it (and other get double that). But its all respect. It would be nice if the team think about this one too, thank you once again.

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