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No anniversary event in game?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 190
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On 2021-07-24 16:54:31Show All Posts


If you were playing these past 2 weeks, you should've noticed a big change in sets of events during that 2 weeks span where the best events are combined in a week and the huge amount of Fukurokumaru's Deal was released, and that was the Special Cycle of Events to celebrate our 5th Year Anniversary. You should've heard about the anniversary events in-game at least from other players around your server.

In addition to this information, our Official Naruto Online EN Discord Channel released a week early announcement and hosted few events, while the Official Forum Site usually releases their Special Events during the mid-week of the two-week celebration of anniversaries. You should at least join different places like Facebook Groups or Naruto Online oriented Discord Channels to get more information about the game so you won't gonna get left behind with topics and discussions that are happening around the game.

Thank you.

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