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[ Fanfiction ] Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section


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  • Registered: 2017-07-28
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On 2021-07-12 12:11:56Show All Posts

Server ID: 618

In-game name: Koyomi

UID: 300026039765682

Here my entry for the "Create your own Breakthrough" event:

Yagura [Three-Tails Jinchuriki] Breakthrought:


He might require Blue vials/protections since hes an old ninja, but since i think the breaks are quite strong, it might be gold vials/protections instead.


Water Style - Aqua Mirror: Summons 1 Clone based in a selected unit of your opponent, It's attributes will be inherited from 100% Yagura's attributes and 40% life. (There can be only be 1 of these clones at a time).

Battle CD: 0 Rounds.

CD: 2 Rounds.

Chakra: 40.

Water Style - Aqua Mirror +1: Summons 1 Clone based in a selected unit of your opponent, It's attributes will be inherited from 100% Yagura's attributes and 80% life. (There can be only be 1 of these clones at a time).

Battle CD: 0 Rounds.

CD: 2 Rounds.

Chakra: 40.

Water Style - Aqua Mirror +2: Summons 1 Clone based in a selected unit of your opponent, It's attributes will be inherited from 100% Yagura's attributes and 80% life. This Clone has immunity to debuffs and super armor. (There can be only be 1 of these clones at a time).

Battle CD: 0 Rounds.

CD: 2 Rounds.

Chakra: 20.

Water Style - Aqua Mirror Y: Summons 2 Clones based in a selected unit of your opponent and other random one, It's attributes will be inherited from 100% Yagura's attributes and 25% life. (There there can only be up 2 of these clones on your team).

Battle CD: 0 Rounds.

CD: 2 Rounds.

Chakra: 40.

Water Style - Aqua Mirror Y+1: Summons 3 Clones based in a selected unit of your opponent and 2 random ones, It's attributes will be inherited from 100% Yagura's attributes and 25% life. (There there can only be up 3 of these clones on your team).

Battle CD: 0 Rounds.

CD: 2 Rounds.

Chakra: 20.

Ricochet Armoured Tower L-1: Deals moderate damage to the selected unit, Supresses inmunity to debuffs and causes Accupunture until the end of next round.

Battle CD: 0 Rounds.

CD: 3 Rounds.

Chakra: 20.


Taijutsu Attack: Attacks the opponent units in the front row with and has a high chance of causing 7-COMBO and Low Float.

Taijutsu Attack +1: Attacks the opponent units in the front row has a high chance of causing 10-COMBO and Low Float.

Taijutsu Attack +2: Attacks the opponent units in the front row with damage increased by 30% and has a high chance of causing 10-COMBO and Low Float.

Water Style - Aqua Mirror L+1 (changes mystery to Ricochet Armoured Tower L-1): Summons 1 Clone based in one random unit from your opponent's, It's attributes will be inherited from 100% Yagura's attributes and 20% life. (There there can only be up 3 of these clones on your team).

Chaser 1:

Active Coral: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float with and Acupuncture.

Active Coral +1: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float with damage increased by 20% and Acupuncture.

Active Coral +2: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float with damage increased by 20% and Acupuncture. Can be triggered twice each round.

Active Coral Y: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float, Acupuncture and increases mystery cooldown by 1.

Chaser 2:

Water Style - Great Water Mass: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, attacks 3 of the opponent's units and causes 5 COMBO.

Water Style - Great Water Mass +1: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, attacks 5 random opponent’s units in the field and causes 5 COMBO.

Water Style - Great Water Mass +2: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, attacks 5 random opponent’s units in the field with 40% increased damage and causes 5 COMBO.

Water Style - Great Water Mass Y: Triggered with at least 10-COMBO, attacks 3 of the opponent’s units and causes 5 COMBO and Slow Down for 1 round.

Passive 1:

Tailed Beast Chakra - Flow: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points based on 15% ninjutsu, will also recover 20 chakra points.

Tailed Beast Chakra - Flow +1: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points based on 20% ninjutsu, will also recover 20 chakra points. Can be triggered twice each round.

Tailed Beast Chakra - Flow +2: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points based on 20% ninjutsu, will also recover 20 chakra points. Can be triggered twice each round. Yagura will receive Hidden status whenever his clone(s) is on the field.

Tailed Beast Chakra - Unity Y: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points based on 20% ninjutsu, also while yagura is alive all Jinchuriki units in your team receive a 20% buff to Defense and Resistance.

Tailed Beast Chakra - Unity Y+1: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points based on 20% ninjutsu, also while yagura is alive all Jinchuriki units in your team receive a 40% buff to Defense and Resistance. Yagura will receive Hidden status whenever his clone(s) is on the field.

This post was last edited by Nomiko on 2021-07-14 19:12:10.
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