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Naruto Online Anniversary Event: “Bug” Hunting!


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On 2021-07-23 18:05:58Show this Author Only

The first hint is up and available for everyone! Good luck! :D

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On 2021-07-23 18:10:58Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-23 18:11:12Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-23 18:11:16Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-23 18:13:58Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-23 18:17:02Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-23 18:28:45Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-23 18:30:23Show this Author Only
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2021-07-12 03:21:30
  • "Bug" Hunting Part Four!

    The Third "Bug" Hunting Event is now open!

    Starting Clue
    to find where Shino is hidden lost (server and physical location):

    Powerful Serpent, White of Skin

    Guard Master's base, let no one in!


    Hint 1: Server name and location are the same.

    Hint 2: This "location" isn't actually a location... but something else is described!

    Hint 3: Think of synonyms of the word "serpent"!

    Hint 4: The described "location" is actually a summon!

    Shino's Question:

    What made me laugh uncontrollably as a genin?

    Happy Bug Hunting!

    : Please remember to read the above rules before participating and to follow the instructions so you are not disqualified!

    The fourth and final Find Shino event is now closed! Thanks to everyone for participating and congratulations to our winners! :D

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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-23 18:36:16Show this Author Only

The fourth and final Find Shino event is now closed! Thanks to everyone for participating! Answers and winners will be up shortly! :D

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-23 19:17:30Show this Author Only
Fourth Find Shino Event


Powerful Serpent, White of Skin

Guard Master's base, let no one in!

This riddle refers to the White Snake summon and server!
Line one literally refers the summon, White Snake. Serpent. White. Snakes are a type of serpent.
Line two refers to Orochimaru's base, and how the White Snake waits outside, seemingly guarding it.
Once you put the two lines together it becomes clear that the answer to the riddle has to be the White Snake server, and the location is the White Snake summon, just outside Orochimaru's base in the Land of Fire Forest! Other serpent-based servers just won't do!

Shino's Trivia Question:
What made me laugh uncontrollably as a genin?

The correct and full answer to this trivia is "Laughing drug put into food that Shino ate!" However I also would have accepted laughing poison or poisoned food! Unfortunately, answers that cannot be accepted are laughing gas, since the anime clearly states that it was the food that Shino ate that caused him to laugh, meaning the drug was food soluble and not a gas. Other unacceptable answers are any other impetus involving the situation. If you watch the episode closely, Shino laughs at nothing when he first eats the food, indicating that the drug itself causes him to laugh uncontrollably; he is not actually set off by external stimuli that are simply made more funny by the drug!
Note that poison vs. drug is acceptable due to translation issues!
Also note that some of the longer essay copy-pastes of the wiki synopsis of the Laughing Shino episode did NOT qualify for the trivia answer because they did NOT answer the trivia question of what actually caused Shino to laugh!

Winners for this competition:
Grand Prize: DuckFan Flow (
水中飄 ) 2500 coupons!

Second Place: 9kajitar (BluesMoon) 1,000 coupons!
Third place: Lord Ryuu 1,000 coupons!

Thank you to everyone for participating! I hope everyone had a great time!


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This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2021-07-23 19:59:06.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-28 00:07:24Show this Author Only
List of Winners

Find Shino #1: LA Region

6pm PDT (LA Time) on July 13 | 9am HKT (HK Time) on July 14

Winner: iamtheHYPE: 4,500 coupons ULTRAPRIZE!

Find Shino #2: UK Region

6pm GMT (UK Time) on July 16 | 2am HKT (HK Time) on July 17

Grand Prize: Scourgal! (2,500 coupons)
Second Place: 藍馬雪鳥(1,000 coupons)
Third Place: 波風天彥(1,000 coupons)

Find Shino #3: NY Region

6pm EDT (NY Time) on July 20 | 6am HKT (HK Time) on July 21

Grand Prize: Kage ! (2,500 coupons)
Second Place: Shades (1,000 coupons)
Third Place: Speedwagon (1,000 coupons)

Find Shino #4: HK Region

6pm HKT (HK Time) on July 23 | 3am PDT (LA Time) on July 23

Grand Prize: DuckFan Flow (水中飄 ) 2500 coupons!
Second Place: 9kajitar (BluesMoon) 1,000 coupons!
Third place: Lord Ryuu 1,000 coupons!

Consolation Prizes! Surprise consolation prizes given out to people for FUN!




500 Coupons each!

Congratulations to all the winners!

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