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[ Events ] Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials


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  • Registered: 2017-10-01
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 6
On 2021-07-16 20:52:05Show All Posts

Region: HK

Server ID: S741: Konoha Hurricane

In-Game Name: Sakuhi

UID: 300018441494555


When me and my brother finished watching Naruto Shippuden. I wanted to play a game that is related to it. So I searched and found Naruto online. I was so excited to play it, I signed up and started my journey here at 2017. The first time playing it was amazing and fun!! The places in the map are very beautiful and the plot instances were pretty cool. I was still trying to learn how to make my power higher that time because some plot instance were hard and i was an f2p. The character that i first chose was breeze dancer she was pretty good, but i changed her to azura fang because my power increased and I pretty like her talents.I started collecting clothes because I liked it's designs and it increases your power! As time passes by, I made friends when playing the game and had fun doing activities with my groupmates.And my power increased day by day that now I have reached 128,000. It's still very low compare to how many years i've played this game but now that my power is 128,000, I have reached special jonin in arena!! Its not that high too but as an f2p I am proud that i've reach that rank. I also got my very first summon to walk with me, the illusion crow! And finaly i have reached rank one in my server S741 and rank 37 in merged server on the azura fang!! I can say for myself that this game is one of my favorite and I can't believe that this game has come so far!!

Happy 5th anniversary Naruto online!!!

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