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  • Registered: 2021-01-28
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On 2021-06-14 09:15:05Show All PostsDescending Order
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well have a pretty big suggestion lol. maybe instead of constantly adding new servers, try and make the game interesting again. maybe take care of the running servers that have been playing for 4 years. The game has hit a major still in game play. There is absolutly nothing for people to do but gain bp. There is no more story to follow, same old team instances and such. Only thing that has really been kept up is ninja exam. decisive bonds is just a joke now and if it wasent for events dont think i would even go in there. The point system is just harsh (if there is a system). that definately needs work, truely should just do to ranked arena system.

one reason for saying to actualy work on existing servers is look at the merger requests. 3/4 of the requests are from brand new serveres or not even a year. Bit of a hint there. We are loosing alot of players on the old servers because the game is boring and just not interesting anymore. There are still bugs or errors in cat quiz, regular quiz still has german questions. connection is getting worse and worse (and i know usual response is clear cashe yada yada yada). thought maybe was my laptop till i played on friends brand new gaming computer, same problems.

Just saying that instead of trying to get every last dime outta people maybe actualy do a bit of work with the game. if people are happy and stay you can make alot more money instead of loosing the people. I have been playing on s428 for a very long time now and was a avid spender (not crazy but fair amount). ever since i have it point of nothing new to do i have not spent a dime and will stay that way. Need to get interest back into the game or there will be constant server merges to come and wont help the game anyways. well that my bit of suggestions, really hope something comes out of it otherewise i think there will be another dead server over here soon as well. lost count of how many we have lost and mostly senders. They totally quit and did not go to new servers.

well cheers and have a good day, just some food for thought.

  • Registered: 2021-01-28
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On 2021-08-05 13:57:36Show All Posts

well sorry for the late reply, busy with work and usual just get time to play then crash lol. have been collecting ninjas but thats not very much to do. Point of interest in my rant of sorts was that everything is kinda maxed, no new plots or elite (evrything at lvl 90) max lvl 110 now. ultimate training (had one update) none for very long time now. team ninja exams ( no updates for more). team instances ( same forever) havent even seen some of the special ones for very long time. just some thought, maybe update a bit there. just to give the players a bit more of play. also for the thought on collecting ninja maybe make some of the older ninjas a bit more asceable ( ie anbu itachi, all the cats and such. One major point is the point system in decisive bonds. Kinda getting unreal in there, get one shot by someone and lose 15, win and get 3 lol. just please look into that, used to be fun but now most people abuse the system and makes it so that there is no point on going in it. cheers and have a great day

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