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[ News ] Server Merge Requests - Week of May 3rd


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On 2021-05-11 20:35:06Show All Posts

1.Server ID: S1688

2. Server Region: UK

3. Server Age: Estimated Little more than two months

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: About five min. None of the big spenders do it

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 55M last i saw

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: Two, but one is all but dead in terms of participating in server events

7. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 214k, Top 10: 141k, Top 20: 96k (Top three has gone up 100k+ bp as of June 3rd)

Power top 10Power top 20Group gnw rankingGroup power ranking9tails ranking

This post was last edited by DeadAccount on 2021-06-03 18:59:36.
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