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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 25th of February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-24 20:28:08Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2021-02-24 14:03:58
  • Finally, Naruto 6 open, generally nice event. Danzo where you?

? I knew the BTs will come eventually. You and many other people were just impatient....

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-24 21:11:04Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2021-02-24 21:07:25
  • Well, you painted how terrible Naruto is. I would like arguments why is he so bad.

I and many others have already said it for the past few weeks for it isn't that much of an improvement for f2ps. You just didn't want to read the arguments....

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-02-24 21:11:29.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-24 22:27:52Show All Posts
  • Drenkor On 2021-02-24 22:03:50
  • man , chill already , there is nothing scary in naruto , he is still pretty much will be killed by blitz teams in 3v3 without any problems not casting even once , in 1v1 maybe battles will be long if there are naruto vs naruto , otherwise there will be nothing long , naruto has extreme damage from alternative myst , it will be over at worst at 3 round , besides : people , who managed to lead their way to naruto 4* without paying were playing long enough to make out good combos without teams of 1 naruto , and those who were paying would be having some donate **** anyway to win easily , dont you think so?

The issue is the people who need them will use them in events where you need to be fast such as sage or training grounds. At this moment, naruto is not used in the meta due to faster and stronger characters. It also doesn't help that the mystery has an animation. If you're a f2p and you are fighting against another f2p using naurto BT, your matches will eventually be longer if your power is equal. That is the issue you should care if you want faster kills in events where that matters.

Some of you want to ignore this so you can get a better carry ninja.

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On 2021-02-24 22:34:57Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2021-02-24 21:54:02
  • most of the "arguments" are nonsense, do not go from the first round .... so what? Madar GNW, mianto ET ...... do not go from the first round and whales that don't use them? Okay, it's still a useless argument, bye.

It's the f2p vs f2p is the issue. Whales will be much faster in terms of kills so it doesn't matter. If I'm in sage or training grounds, you want faster kills. Naruto being able to spam his mystery that heals and has an animation. You won't get your faster kills if both players have naruto BTs. I already said this in the past but you chose to ignore it just because you want a better carry ninja. It is not worth everyone else using him and dragging every other f2ps down with them.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-02-24 22:37:07.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-25 08:57:25Show All Posts
  • PuhleaseKillMe On 2021-02-25 08:23:56
  • Your account is far too old for you to be that naive.

    1: not mad, if you are one of the players who is so rubbish at this game you need to use the cheapest character we've been given, like I said, go for it. If you are boring its no skin of my teeth

    2: "counter madara 10tails" seriously? madara is dead, has been for a long time, even if his price had dropped so he had become more common than 1 in every few thousand players having him he is outmatched by easily accessible pos 1's, he cant suppress super armour so excluding huge power difference kisame can handle him and shisui kimono with scaling init and immunity ignoring ignition can take madara no problem. Hell my cluster is the most plant/mod packed in the game, we have 5 different mods and 5 gls, (and those are just the ones that I am personally aware) of and do you know how many times I have seen madara 10t used in the past roughly 5 months? 3 times, thats it, i bet you there are more people in my cluster with madara than in any other cluster and they barely use him any more because with no interruption, no super armour suppresion, no immunity suppression, difficult to work with cd reduction chase and an unreliable method to reduce cd ( his standard needing to combo) there are many better choices for significantly lower cost

    3: not that power has any relevance to a persons skill level ( every single mod is a perfect example of that, i have yet to witness a mod get so much as 1 win from their own ability, they only win because they know which metas to prepare for with heir company provided coupons) but I have just broke the 1mil mark

    4: Nope, naruto has never needed good support and that wont change now. He was always teamed with kk gaara and bee sst because they can be helpful but they are not needed, again, you have been here too long to be that misinformed. This game everyone stacks pos1, you have to, its the only way to survive any hits, and naruto with his leech was loved by bad/boring players because he effectively makes team building irrelevant. You c*e the mentioned pre-set if you have zero imagination, but the result of the match depends on whose naruto is more stacked, not on whose 4th pos can hang in until maybe round 3 instead of dying in 1 or 2.

    5: for your "point" about people not wanting his mystery but his multiple attack passive to make any sense everybody would need to currently be running Kakashi summer, multiple attacks, causes paralysis, super armour suppressing mystery, undodgeable interrupt mystery, self buffs, immunity, acupuncture causing chase. if you want a ninja with multiple attacks there is already a very good one. that passive is not the reason the sheep are champing at the bit to run Naruto again

    Naruto after he became easier to recruit was the go-to carry for rubbish players, now with his breaks making him usable again the game will return to that same state. I am not asking you to agree with me, I dont care what strangers think and even if I could change your mind why would I want to?, but the undeniable truths of it all is that naruto is slow, he is boring, he is cheap, and he is used exclusively by people who cant play the game without an auto&leech combo carrying them. If thats what you want from a "game" no game play and drawn out matches you will enjoy things for a while, but myself and other people in this thread are not looking forward to the inevitable monotony coming

Remember when you disagreed about my "putting in the work" comment? These are the type of players who will most likely use naruto. They want to get the OP characters/skills without putting the least amount of effort. Everyone wants that but they expecting it while that isn't realistic based on how Oasis handles this game. Figuring this out isn't hard. They don't care if it ruins the gaming experience of others as long as they think it helps them be better due to their lack of knowledge in figuring out better tactics. The players who uses all carry ninja in team without any support, the players who use outdated support ninjas when they should already gotten a better one in events. and the type of player who hasn't stacked their P1 - yes they still sadly exist in older servers.

If people cared about playing the game competitively, they would be active and gain coupons on a routine basis so they can spend efficiently as a f2p. If they don't care and don't want to treat it as a job like you and many others have mentioned in the past, you get these type of players. Honestly, I expect majority of them not using great supports and continue to use the killer bee and gaara/edo roshi combo as it was quite common. It was very easy to counter but having to fight tons of these while will drasticly slow my experience in events where you need to be fast like sage or training grounds. Someone mentioned here that they expect matches don't go over 5 rounds - that's still slow for those type of events.

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On 2021-02-25 09:24:12Show All Posts
  • itwasmedio On 2021-02-25 09:12:13
  • i agree with u danzo but this guy talk to much about cheap ninja that he forgot sosp is at same price as rest p1 ninjas but its true plazers these days dont care about puting effort making lineups for me supps matter thats why i prepared lineup for that current meta before sosp bt release. I used so long edo mina gnw madara and kakuzu akatsuki creation

It's cheap due to the large amount of people that used him as a P1. Just by looking at the number of BT ninjas, no other ninja in comparison is owned by in that of a large number. So to get him to 4* in comparison to other ninja is much cheaper. The supports to make a naruto team is also cheap. Kushina would be the next cheap ninja to make a team/4*.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-25 20:16:27Show All Posts
  • FujiwaraVega On 2021-02-25 18:07:24
  • Careful, they will say 5 rounds are too much. :P Doesn't matter that you can go 10 rounds vs Kimimaro, when he is all alone, nah... :P

    BTW a beated a few trialed 6P Naruto today, and some of them beated me. (arena ranked mode) Neither of my matches lasted more than 3 rounds. He's standard gaining is annoying, but then again, Kakashi Kimono, Trialed Sage Kabuto etc....

Please read my other posts. 5 rounds is too much for events like sage and training grounds. You want to be fast and be slow.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-02-27 21:58:26Show All Posts
  • Korren On 2021-02-27 16:26:20
  • Danzo and Puhlease are right about Naruto BT being a toxic ninja and that everyone will be able to get and just slap on any random team. And yeah the fights don't seem to be going 10 rnds again like they did before (because Naruto has scaling now), 3-5 rounds seems like the average if you are similar power, but like Danzo said that's way too long in SWB or TG.

    But the issue is, you guys seem to be insinuating that only bad players will use BT SOSP because they want something easy and cheap, meanwhile smarter players will just use counter teams. Let me tell you, as an experienced player using probably one of the optimal f2p counter-SOSP teams (BT GNW Madara, BT Rinnesasuke, and BT Nagato), it's not even that good of a counter. In arena it's decent, I've won at least 50-60% of matches vs SOSP I've faced so far, but admittedly that number may be skewed because some of the opponents were running bad teams with him (like, him and 3 other traditionally "pos 1 ninja"). In regular pvp though, it's not even that good of a counter versus people around my own power. Someone around my power that I was beating easily just before the BT was releases can now wreck me. It has nothing to do with our skill.

    I also hate having to run this strictly counter-SOSP team. Literally the whole team is built around beating, or, more realistically, checking, one ninja. Sure, there were meta teams and counter-teams in the past, but I would say it hasn't been this drastic for a while. The team I was using before was versatile enough to go up against Kisame teams, Shisui teams, Minato teams, etc. and win. This was true for other well-built teams using the major meta players in the pre-BT SOSP era, too. But now by putting everything into checking SOSP, my current team is now less effective against any formation that doesn't use him. Of course the choice to still use it is based on the reasoning that due to Naruto's wide accessibility more people will now be using him than not, but still, like I said, it's not even really a hard counter.

    Until more ninjas from CN are released here, like NY Tobirama and BT for Izanagi Danzo, there really isn't a truly viable counter to SOSP for f2p other than a) getting him yourself, and then b) being faster and more stacked than your opponent. It's disingenuous to say that only bad/lazy players will use him when he has made the meta so centralizing that pretty much everyone who wants to meaningfully compete is forced to use him. I mean, players are beating people 200k, 300k+ above themselves just because they use him and the opponent doesn't. Sure, whales can keep using Kisame blitz teams in timed pvp events, but based on how I've just been seeing people 300k below their Kisame opponent win using SOSP, even that is kind of risky.

    Ultimately, it's fair to hate him for slowing stuff down in pvp, for being cheap, etc., but what I hate him most for is how he's ruined our meta that used to be relatively diverse right before his BT introduction.

It's a fair point to bring up that when new BT is added on China for an event P1 ninja that is available via coupons, people have asked for it. The only exception was madara 10 tails. The need to constantly ask for the BT when it is expected to come signals they want those BT to improve their lineups. If they asked for madara, I wouldn't have made this point since f2ps can't access madara (smh Oasis).

You pointed out that there aren't that many counters to naruto but for fasting events like sage and training grounds, using the faster teams matters over trying to counter a team honestly. So far just from the 2 days, only a 2-4 whales decided to try naruto and 1-2 competitive f2ps who have kisame switched over to naruto. However, those f2ps dragged the matches an extra 1-2 rounds. I don't care if whales use naruto as the impact is insignificant for a f2p. My issue with Naruto is that dumb people will use him in events where you need to be fast and so far, my point is being proven. They already have faster teams but are using naruto. I will expect the non active players to catch in getting the BT because they have no other options.

Quicky Post

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