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[ Lineup ] Tobirama Edo needs a buff/rework


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  • Registered: 2018-04-03
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On 2021-02-04 07:02:00Show All Posts

i can't complain about his dodge, I don't have the last sb on chase Y+1 to comment, but noticed that the Y chase does drastically a lot of less damage which is probably fine for 20 combo. His base stats maybe a bit off. The thing is value - he is the same price as kakuzu but he is not viable compared to him.

His attack is quite superrior but given he is a p3 or p4 support it really doesn't help.

Now compared to new meta who can work both in support and p1 for arena - Kakuzu creation - this one is immune and very likely to do a powerful chase only by his attack is 300cps per frag but doesn't need a bunch of vials to brake.

The way to buff him will be - immunity or mystery attacks a line of opponents or barrier cannot be removed for 3 rounds.

Quicky Post

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