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[ Events ] New Events Cycle - 31st of December


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On 2020-12-31 16:34:02Show All Posts
  • neroth1001 On 2020-12-30 18:34:41
  • Ok so this week are all events that should be with fuku. So what will we spend our coupons next week? Guys cmon be reasonable.

Lol, idk on Lucky Stars, Lucky *, Colored Banner Gift, Treasure of the Sage... just one of them

ps: and cosidering that Naruto Froggy last from 4.1.21 to 10.1.2 is higly posible that even Froggy buy-in could be counted for Fukumaru Deals if one start on 7.1.21

This post was last edited by Pomp on 2020-12-31 16:46:58.
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