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[ Events ] New Events Cycle - 31st of December


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-12-31 06:46:37Show All Posts
  • Indra火 On 2020-12-31 05:46:02
  • Dude fuku was last week... it lasted for 2 weeks so the next one will come in 2 weeks starting tomorrow.

He's complaining that whenever fuku deals comes each month, the week barely have great events to spend on. Majority of the time, non-fuku weeks have better events since I figured they want you spend outside of fuku weeks.

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On 2020-12-31 22:32:22Show All Posts
  • Sena-kun On 2020-12-31 16:15:17
  • I honestly don't know why they complain so much, everyone should know this. Also pertaining to other complaints, the game always eventually brings out what's to be expected, people complain that it isn't coming out at a time preferable for them...They honestly should just wait cause it will come out and I do believe all of the complaining changes nothing in how oasis does the event planning.

Carefully now. If you point that these noobs should expect things do not always go in their way, they will call you a mole, Gl, etc. Like seriously, if a ninja doesn't show up for one week, it isn't going to kill you. Chill out you child.

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On 2020-12-31 22:41:05Show All Posts
  • LadyAzure On 2020-12-31 19:06:46
  • You know I never get why people complain about a free ninja good or not. even more so since they made every ninja you get free power. sure it's not some meta god tier end game ninja but it at least does something and even if it's not useful to you it may be useful to someone else. I am a mega try hard whale and I have more ninja then I care to count but I still love seeing these less used ninja because that's more frags to star them up and get more power. more over in regards to complaining about the monthly ninja to the best of my memory it's never been a "amazing" ninja.

People complain because they don't have any other options in getting great ninjas. However, if they aren't active, they have no reason to be complaining. When people say they don't have time to do events that you can gain ninja frags without spending like missions - you miss out ninja frags up to 10 frags. Ignoring that fact sounds you don't want to put in the work as a f2p.

Gaming companies don't give out good rewards on a regularly basis in their events - this is pretty much common sense and you're foolish to think otherwise. They want you to either pay with your time or money. If you don't have time, go play the awful AFK games out there.

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On 2020-12-31 22:49:11Show All Posts
  • PuhleaseKillMe On 2020-12-31 22:39:13
  • really? come on man, you are the only one people call a GL, and thats because you literally are one, and god knows why because you are the most abrasive person on these forums. Case in point, your comment here added literally nothing to the thread, but you still felt the need to try and make it about yourself and acting like you are hard done by because people here know that you are a plant

    Also not all complaints are equal, but most of the time in this english language version they are justified because our region has been short changed at every single avenue since day 1, this new, crappy client, we got hashi new year, who isnt a bad ninja, but is not as good as suigetsu taka like other regions got. Not everyone is reasonable naturally, but if a common theme comes up in forums of an MMO on a weekly basis for the entire run of the game and the company is somehow getting worse over time, it says more about the company and its failings than it does about the players who are new/naive enough to think a day will come where oasis isnt irrefutably garbage

Everyone else is pointing out that people are complaining for no good reason so my comments are relevant.

The only reason why I'm targeted because I'm consistently mention that Oasis doesn't listen and people should expect changes don't happen on a drastic scale. People confuse as that "don't complain". Do you think that don't complain equals don't expect things? You are more capable of bringing out Oasis not running this game properly. If that decreases your motivation with the complains, ok but that doesn't change anything about the inaction of Oasis. That is not my fault that 4 years of inaction does not register for some people. That fact that I frequently say this makes people think I'm a GL without proof.

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On 2020-12-31 23:02:00Show All Posts
  • PuhleaseKillMe On 2020-12-31 22:52:05
  • This is exactly how people know you are a plant "putting in work"? dude, its a video game, its supposed to be a hobby in your free time, not a chore where it is mandatory.

    That doesnt even make sense, firstly you are lumping people together based on nothing but a blind assumption that works to your benefit since to my knowledge no one here has stated that they are f2p and dont have time to redeem frags from other events.

    Yes, they do have a reason to complain, you might not agree with it, and you are paid to be dismissive, but in a collection based game, customers have every right to complain about frag availability if they feel the need to.

    And your last statement again, makes no sense, I admitted not all complaints are equal, but not everyone here is asking for free madara ten tails. almost every single character event, such as this new client that has occured over 4 years, the english language version has got a character measurably worse than other localizations, that actual fact right there, completely destroys your last words, they dont have to give "good rewards" all the time, but by that same merit there is no reason why they have chosen to always give us worse rewards than every other country. Also, lets not beat around the bush, we arent all plants, we dont all get paid to sit on this game day in day out, theres a real world calling, you being dismissive towards people who cant sink as much time into this game as employees like you might make you feel like you are in some way smarter than other people, but it doesnt detract from their right or their motivations to complain about some aspects of an MMO that is so dead you basically have to treat it like a single player game in which you have multiple accounts.

    I am not going to say anymore because ive been here long enough to see the games you play and people calling you out on stuff, there is a reason this forum is all but dead despite the game having over 1600 servers, but despite you trying to sound informed and above other people, not a single thing you have said is an actual argument against peoples right to complain nor does it take away the validity from their points

Can you at least respond to my point about expectation and the right of complaints in my previous post? You are free to complain reasonably but expecting change isn't likely. I point out proof of inaction but people want to ignore it. A lot of people do not want to acknowledge it whenever I point it out. Instead they ignore and double down in being toxic. You don't get to act this way unless you want to act childish.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2020-12-31 23:05:12.
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On 2021-01-01 04:07:11Show All Posts
  • Kharan On 2021-01-01 03:57:46
  • The herd calls anyone who disagrees with sheeps a plant/gl/paid employee. Such is the law of the jungle.

    Although giving Mizuki for the 3rd time while there are other older, forgotten ninjas who could be utilised ridiculous.

What is funny is that I make valid points about them expecting too much from Oasis and they freak out. It is not my fault you cannot figure it out. They repeat the "I deserve to complain when Oasis doesn't live up to my expectations" when I point out their arguments has a flaw.

Yes other regions have better stuff compared to our server but talking about it hasn't changed anything for us for years. I want the shop in east konaha, the unreleased daily events, the unreleased skillbreaks and the skill book update (they won't update this sadly), and many other things. However, they have shown they will add stuff that only makes them money or stop updates when whales complain they will stop spending.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-01-01 04:55:57.
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On 2021-01-01 05:04:34Show All Posts
  • Kharan On 2021-01-01 04:38:40
  • I know that, you know that. They almost lynched me when I pointed it out few months before.

    Frankly I don't know why you even bother at this point. Let them live in their lalaland until the game closes and with their "freedom of speech and right to complain" that does nothing, resolves nothing and is utterly useless.

I bother because I don't want the forum to be filled with unintelligent people and their lack of logic. These people will eventually leave since they cannot figure out how to play the game without Oasis magically doing a 360.

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On 2021-01-01 06:39:57Show All Posts
  • Kharan On 2021-01-01 06:34:47
  • Fair enough.

    I doubt they'll quit since it's the same people with same posts week after week.

    But fair enough.

There's a few who were like them but they disappeared. Give it more time when they realize Oasis won't live up to their expectations.

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On 2021-01-04 10:14:56Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-01-04 08:39:51
  • just to point few things out... from all the games similar to NO i'v played and all the communities i'v been part of... NO is one of the most suppressed community when it comes to asking for better, how come other communities can change the games in better and we can't? i tell you how... heavy moderation + people that always downplay the problems... no offense but danzo is one of the biggest... he might say something good now n then to not look that bad but he is the first to downplay no matter how bad it is...

    the state of the game is.... deplorable... its a meme but a true meme, we are in 7.0 but we missing half of the game from 3.0 onwards... they ONLY push ninjas closer to closer to source (CN) but non of the features... pure example there is a system there that every week rewards you coupons based on a ranking on an pve damage event... it have some time now since release, where is it? not to mention OLD stuff such as breaktroughs, tsunade full npc, updated main abilities etc etc

    as for a direct reply to your point nomiko about "Good meta ninjas are supposed to be obtained by putting effort into the game by doing rebates, or just saving for them in general"

    yes OBTAINED by putting effort into the game not available at 3k euro/dollars

    before someone says "bUt ThEy ArE a CoMpAnY tEy nEeD tO mAkE mOnEy" you my friend don't know how economics works...

    there are a very high chance that a mod or someone will delete this post... PROVING MY first point...

Explain how I downplay how the game is when I point out that in the past 4 years, Oasis has not considered any reasonable change to the game. Instead they will focus anything that makes them the most money in a short period of time targeting whales. Apparently, to sources I read, they already have everything from China caught up in terms of content. Of course, you know the reason why they are picking and choosing which to release. Legit I want the unreleased content but with Oasis thinking of their profit won't allow it. Due to this, I am not expecting drastic change but unfortunately, people think that equals silencing their complaints, which doesn't make sense. Every time I bring up this point, no one replies, which speaks volumes to the type of players who act like this. If you think that the moment you realize change is not coming is making you stop complaining and stop playing the game, that's your problem. I play with players who stopped caring as much and feel that if the game ends, it doesn't matter that much. When the flash issue came about, I didn't care as much and if the game truly ended, at least I can become productive somewhere else. We only play out of the routine we built playing the game. The game is a lost cause whether you want to agree or not. There are better games out there which I am focusing as well.

As for the 3k euro/dollars comment, no one was talking about the pay wall. We all know games that include rewards behind a paywall is out of the question for f2ps besides luck events. I agree that rewards in games should not cost an average person' rent in a city. However, if whales exist, gaming companies will milk them. That's how monetarization was created in games when they tested out the limits of who would buy a bunch of pixels ranging from skins to characters. We are talking about characters/items/rewards etc. available to all players via farmable in-game currency. For f2ps, when you play games where farmable in-game currency is available and there are events where you spend a certain amount just to get it, it is obvious you should save if you actually care about playing the game. If you just want to play this game whenever you want, it means you don't care to get the nice things then since companies could care less about players who don't spend time in their product. They don't give out give out the best stuff so that you keep up. They give out at most the second best, just so you can stay. There's a reason why they have events to pull players back to get them to play again.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-01-04 10:37:52.
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On 2021-01-05 10:46:48Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-01-05 08:59:09
  • the first part of your reply is part of what im talking about everything you said is resumed into "shut up stop complaining cuz nothing happened, trust me i'v complained in the past"

    as for the 2nd part... there are a lot of things that are paywalled or rigged pure example madara founder was 150-200k to 4 star him, ay 4th (even if not meta) is expensive as well, not to mention things like taka karin and tsunade seal, don't even make me start with the rates on events... lucky star, almost no one gets the ninja (remember few years ago it was actually obtainable) or how magically on the other wheel when was hidan pre-akatsuki it was dropping left n right but no other ninja on the same even...

    anyways... hope you understand my point

"If you think that the moment you realize change is not coming is making you stop complaining and stop playing the game, that's your problem." Read that as well.

I'm not telling anyone to stop with the suggestions to the game. People should be able to figure out on their own what someone/company/whatever is willing to do based on past actions. They can decide what they want to from there. When dealing with Oasis with this game, some people stopped caring, some chose to continue and some retaliated via either *s or exposing them. Since very few have info to retaliate as all of the exposing were done by people connected to Oasis in the past, people only have two options. However, since I notice some people cannot figure it out, they become toxic and there's no place for that behaviour regardless how right you are.

If you are going to at least continue with the complaints, don't feel frustrated since you're getting worked up for something the other party cares less about. Nothing productive happens besides you feeling frustrated. It's a lose situation for yourself. I bought up this point in the past and someone replied with "dOn't aCt lIkE YoU CaRe aBoUt pEoPlE'S MeNtAl hEaLtH". All you're doing is deflecting I said and don't want to figure out what you should do next to see progress in how you deal with this game.

Quicky Post

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