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[ Fanfiction ] Celebrating Naruto’s Halloween - Halloween Event!


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  • Registered: 2018-05-03
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On 2020-11-06 04:14:22Show All Posts

Spooky Art

Server ID- 911 (UK Region)

In Game Name- Shiroyasha

UID- 300063150981854

Greetings to All! Congrats to everyone for their participation in celebrating the spirit of Halloween. Following is the link to my fanart for the event. The in game details requested in the image are on the middle right. It's a high resolution image so they can easily be zoomed in and if it's still not clear, I've written them above.

The artwork has been created by me but the characters, the village of konoha all are creations of Masashi Kishimoto Sensei.

If any of the moderators need proof for authenticating me to be the artist, I can attach the link to the Krita Do*ent (Krita is an open source app used by digital artists) when asked.

  • Registered: 2018-05-03
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On 2020-11-06 10:18:02Show All Posts
  • Abx7zPajGG4FVmk On 2020-11-06 04:51:12
  • nice drawing but naruto is dressed for carnival and not for halloween, but the characters were not supposed to be seen on halloween? mmm

There's something called as "Drawing according to the character's personalities"..

1.Naruto is loudmouthed and brash, simpleheaded. It's plain and simple that he would dress up like Goku, a "fictional superhero" for his universe. Just like people in our universe dress up as Batman,Superman or The Flash on Halloween. His outfit is TOTALLY not a carnival thing, it's inspired by Naruto's DLC from Ultimate Ninja Storm 3.

2. Kakashi is a laid back person, he's the type of guy who'd have just 1 or 2 sets of festive clothes, he'd rather stay in his room and read icha icha. He doesn't care what kind of clothes he's wearing; whether it's the Lunar New Year or Halloween. His outfit in the image here is based on the Lunar New Year outfit for kakashi in the mobile game.

3. Sasuke's Wearing vampire-esque clothes. He has mainly a cold and brooding shell of persona similar to count dracula. The only peole he truly opens up to are Team 7 (of Naruto's Era and Boruto's Era) and a select few shinobi. His clothes also carry symbolism of that coloring. Underneath all that dark, vengeful persona; he is a light and warm hearted benevolent soul who has earned his redemption.

4. Sakura's a medical Ninja, so it's obvious she's wearing a "Hot Doctor" outfit; something that's a massive rage on halloween in "our universe". Considering how she's always tiring herself out, it could be a high possibility that she just customised her medic nin outfit at konoha hospital to look like cosplay instead of an actual uniform as she rushed to meet Team Seven. She doesn't wish to give kakashi sensei any chance of reporting earlier than her.. it's just a subtle competitiveness in her nature that she grew up with.

5. What you see in the sky are the spirits of all the people who were influential, near and dear to Team seven. I don't think I need to explain how the component of "ghosts" adds an element of "spooky spirituality" and "nostalgia". How these loved and dear ones to Team 7 are still watching over them from the skies.

6.This image is supposed to be set in Post-shippuden and Pre-boruto; that's why no boruto characters are there. However, you can see kakashi's summon Pakkun and the in-game summon Fukurokumaru the Ninja Cat.

7. I think I have explained enough about how all this is pertaining to halloween and how this is "spooky". It could've been much easier to just redraw a reference image; but no sir, I tried my best to consider the behaviour patterns and depths of each character to create an outfit for them. Even the Background is based on combining appearance of the Ichiraku Ramen Store from the Anime, map and buildings of konoha from the game as well as Ultimate Ninja Storm series' free roam mode. Every artist has their own interpretation and I think we should celebrate the diversity of such ideas, not pinpoint random stuff just because we want to downplay someone else's art for the competition. Have a good day and may no ghosts haunt you.

  • Registered: 2018-05-03
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  • Posts: 22
On 2020-11-06 21:51:26Show All Posts

Spooky Story

Server ID- 911 (UK Region)

In Game Name- Shiroyasha

UID- 300063150981854

Konoha Training Field

RAASENGAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!! roared the Jonin as he swiftly drove the violently swirling chakra ball towards the Seventh Hokage’s chest, only for him to duck backwards and collapse. Without wasting a moment, the hokage had a kunai held pointed at his throat, held in the rock steady hand of the jonin. “Got you!” he claimed, but the blonde ninja in his orange shirt seemed unfazed. The glint of excitement never disappeared from his pearlescent blue eyes as his pupils dilated and a grin formed on his cheek. “Are you sure about that Konohamaru?” he questioned as a shadow rapidly formed on the Jonin’s back. Without even looking behind or loosening his grip on the kunai in his grip, Konohamaru threw a shuriken striking the hokage’s clone approaching with his other hand causing it to disappear in a cloud of smoke. “ Your old tricks don’t work on me anymore Hokage-sama, give up” he proclaimed smugly.

“Hehe” was all that escaped Naruto’s mouth as Konohamaru’s eyes widened in shock. He tried to move his outstretched hand that just threw the shuriken, but he couldn’t; he tried moving his other limbs but to no result. As his gaze went back to look where the hokage was, he saw nothing but a wooden log. Sarutobi Konohamaru was trapped, fooled by the Shadow Clones of the Seventh Hokage and strung up by Razor sharp invisible wires. The Hokage’s actual body gave him an approving pat on his shoulder as he commended him for his efforts. “You’ve come far Konohamaru, your reaction speed is off the charts and you’re easily able to manipulate my movements. However, you’re still unable to formulate a complete plan. Lose some of that hotheadedness and prepare better contingency plans”.

Sweat trickled from Konohamaru’s chin as he gazed into the wooden log. His fists tightened and his head s* as he grit his teeth. “Why...such a massive gap? Why... after all my training... am I still so weak?”. He clenched his jaws and pulled on his restraints as they dug through his flesh drawing blood. Sarutobi Konohamaru couldn’t accept his loss so easily. Even if the times are peaceful, he just can’t dilly dally around. His dream to be hokage, to make Uncle Asuma proud, to surpass Grandpa Hiruzen. It’ll all be for naught if he gave up right now.

“ORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” he bellowed breaking through his restraints and charged towards Kurama’s Jinchuuriki. Naruto who was looking away was nearly caught off guard but managed to block Konohamaru’s fist in time and use his momentum to throw him away. However, in mid-air, the elite jonin shot chakra from his feet to propel himself towards the orange-black clad figure and rammed his head against Naruto’s.


A furious Konohamaru unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, which the hokage kept dodging ducking and swerving Konohamaru’s attacks, evading them with ease as Konohamaru kept increasing his ferocity. Realising he was being driven into a corner, Naruto began to retaliate with critical jabs to Konohamaru’s joints. Konohamaru threw a paper bomb towards naruto which he swiftly kicked away causing it to explode mid-air in a mild explosion as it released abnormal amounts of gray smoke.

“FIRE STYLE: BURNING ASH!!!” exhaled Konohamaru after sharply biting his teeth to create sparks that ignite the flames.


“WATER STYLE: WATER WALL JUTSU” chanted the hokage causing a humongous barrier of water to appear from nowhere that blocked the flames releasing massive plumes of scalding steam”

Konohamaru’s breathing was getting more rapid and shallow.. he was panting heavily, gasping for every extra ounce of air he could take into his lungs. “Not yet, Naruto nee-chan! Remember our promise? You are my rival ! But since then, all I’ve done is be mediocre while you became the saviour of the whole shinobi world. I couldn’t protect Hiruzen Ji-san and I don’t know if I can protect the village. If training normally doesn’t push me beyond my limits, I’ll force myself to break through them if I have to.”

Pulling out a pair of oddly shaped kunai, Konohamaru wore them on his knuckles and poured chakra into them, which formed a massive light blue silhouette over them. Without any warning, konohamaru unleashed a cross shaped double blade of wind towards naruto, which he scampered away from, but couldn’t avoid getting cut on the back of his palm. The double blades that naruto dodged sheared through the air shredding hordes of tree in their path.

“ NOT YET!! I’M NOT DONE! TAKE THIIIIIIIS” Konohamaru screamed as he threw one of the Chakra Blades towards Naruto’s body as he landed, but naruto managed to create a shadow clone to use as a landing platform mid-air and leapt towards Konohamaru, who pulled open a massive summoning scroll unsealing a barrage of Kinjutsu weapons towards Naruto”.

“I said STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!” ordered Naruto mid air concentrating chakra on his fingertips.His eyebrows focused into a stern frown as his irises turned yellow, the pupils changed into a cross and orange markings appeared around his eyes. He swerved mid-air using the nature energy around him to deflect the onslaught of ninja tools tearing through them to approach konohamaru. Seeing Naruto flying towards him, Konohamaru braced for impact, but Naruto adjusted his aim mid-air. One well timed jab to the jonin’s solar plexus with the precision of a Hyuga was more than enough to send him flying away. “I...I can still go on” cried a battered Konohamaru as the last thing he saw was a look of disappointment in Naruto’s blue eyes before he blacked out.

“Konohamaru... to think you’d go this far..” naruto muttered in a sad voice clenching his fists.

Inside Orochimaru’s Hideout

Konohamaru opened his eyes to see a dimly lit room. The purple tiles on the floor and the blue walls reflected a mixture of light that felt soothing yet eerily solitary. The air was chilly yet it lacked moisture. He could detect the sterile scent of formalin and other cleaning fluids in the air. His head ached and his chest felt heavy, he tried to get up but felt something irritating tug the back of his neck. He tried to grab the source of irritation with his hand but was interrupted from doing so by a shrill yet deep voice.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” warned the person entering the room. His slender cold hand acting as support for his chin . The pale white skin shining dimly in the mundane atmosphere of the room. The sharp sound of this figure’s footsteps echoed through the room.

“O-Orochimaruuu!!!!!” grrrrrowled Konohamaru... rage seethed in his eyes; he gripped the bedsheets around him as hard as he could, yet it felt like he couldn’t stop himself from pouncing on this figure and ripping his throat apart or tearing off his jaw. The gory acts being visualised very vividly in Konohamaru’s mind.

“ Take a look at your torso and listen to me, I’m not here to harm you, I’m merely following the Hokage’s Instructions. If you choose to leave now, there’s no guarantee that you’ll survive”

Looking down at his abdomen, Konohamaru witnessed large patterns of seals running from his midriff in all directions. His legs were enased in metallic chambers and his back was connected to multiple chakra electrodes. “What happened?” He asked.

“You broke through your body’s chakra limiters without training and ended up crippling yourself” explained Naruto in a voice even more colder than Orochimaru as he entered the room. “ You have been doing missions non-stop and training recklessly, you’ve been spamming high chakra consuming jutsu non-stop and that is where you broke your body.”

“It’s similar to the Eight Gates used by Guy... but your technique is an unrefined form. Along with your chakra, you’ve also lost parts of your soul. There’s a high possibility that you’ll die and even if you recover, you’ll stay bound to a life support system” added Orochimaru.

“Fortunately, the festival of Yuki Onna is near... the Death Godess from the Halloween dimension can be contacted by a ritual to recover parts of your soul, but for your healing, I’ll have to implant Hashirama Cells into you. You’ll be put under a coma and the procedure will last for an hour.”


Not daring to question Naruto’s authority, Konohamaru reclined back and closed his eyes.

Swiftly weaving a combination of Handsigns, Orochimaru set up a barrier around the surgery room. The Anaesthetic was loaded into Konohamaru’s system as he hissed from the stinging sensation. Naruto grasped his hand and held it tightly, causing Konohamaru to feel a bit relaxed as his vital readings on the monitor began to fall to those of a comatose person.

Konohamaru’s Mindscape

“I-It’s so cold....” shivered Konohamaru as he stood in emptiness. He was shrouded in darkness with nothing in sight. He couldn’t sense any chakra, he couldn’t hear anything, he couldn’t smell anything.It was maddeningly silent.

Konohamaru kept walking through, soundless winds began to hit him making him colder and colder, yet Konohamaru turged through. He could feel the remnants of his chakra dissipating, he couldn’t even hear his own voice. Wherever he turned, he couldn’t sense anything, he didn’t know where he was going, he couldn’t even feel the ground under his feet anymore. The only sensation to tell him he was alive was the cold, which he feared he was beginning to not feel anymore.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” a sharp ringing sound pierced his ears and an unimaginably bright light broke through his closed eyelids and getting reduced to a dot in the far distance ahead of him.

On opening his eyes, Konohamaru noticed the dot of light and kept running towards it. His ears were still covered as the piercing sound kept getting louder and louder.

Just as he felt he’d finally gotten close to the dot, it’d diminish in size again. So he’d pick up the pace, it felt like the source of light was running away from him and if he ever lost it, there was no turning back.

Deciding to just let go and charge forward, Konohamaru dashed rapidly towards the light, letting go of his ears causing the sonic shockwaves to hit him even harder then before. His eardrums felt like they’d been ripped but he charged through, his ear c*s began bleeding but he didn’t stop.... his eyes began oozing blood and tears yet he didn’t give up. Every bone in his body began to crack but he didn’t stop.. he didn’t know why... but he kept crawling, dragging every cell of his demolished body towards this sound.

“Wh...who is tha-?” Konohamaru questioned himself as he saw the faint silhouette of a white haired tall lady in a Kimono through the screen of blood and tears on his eyes. She had her back turned towards Konohamaru and was playing a flute. Konohamaru collapsed before he could discern anything else.

Orochimaru’s Lab


howled Konohamaru’s body, nearly breaking free of the electrodes before Naruto held him in place with arms from his Kyubi Chakra Cloak. Konohamaru’s body shaking vehemently like a possesed spirit. Blood started oozing out from Konohamaru’s eyes, ears, nose and he began coughing violently.

“OROCHIMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?” ROARED Naruto questioningly...

“ Keep him restrained Naruto... the breakdown process is nearly complete, now he needs to prove his worth to the Yuki Onna before his soul is reconstructed and his body begins regenerating”.

Konohamaru’s Mindscape

“Konohamaru! Konohamaru!” a deep hoarse voice called out to him. It sounded so benevolent... so soothing... soo familiar!

“ Jii-san?” Konohamaru asked... looking up to see the smiling face of his Grandpa

“ JII-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!” he EXCLAIMED with euphoria as he rushed forward to hug the Third Hokage before him. “YEAOWWWWWWWW” he yelped in pain; unfortunately.. he couldn’t move... his body was still battered... he was still dying..

Tears began to dilute the blood in his eyes, flowing out as a pale red translucent fluid. Snot began dripping from his nose and mucus collected at the back of his throat making it hard to breathe. His heart t*ed hard, his chest felt heavy. There was this shooting pain running through his heart. He was happy, yet in excruciating pain.

“I’m here Konohamaru, come to me... . it’ll soon become painless... like you’re drifting in water.. floating around, being carried by the gentle waves. Just let go and come to me”

“Jii-chan”.. Konohamaru mumbled...stretching his hand towards his grandpa as he lay on the floor. Inching closer and closer towards him. The light began to fade from his eyes... the pain started to leave.. just like grandpa said it would.

Orochimaru’s Surgery Lab

“ Oi, Naruto... hurry give him my chakra... his vitality has started to fade away! He’s losing his soul!” Instructed Kurama to naruto hastily inside his mind. Without hesitation, Naruto began pouring his chakra into Konohamaru, his irises turning red and pupils turning slit like.

Orochimaru was sweating... “ U-use your ninshu..... you can reach his soul....... I c-can’t hold the seal much longer”

Konohamaru’s Mindscape


Warmth began to overflow within Konohamaru

“N O”

“Hmm?” Hiruzen asked , an intrigued expression forming on his face.

“N-NOT YET Grandpa..!! I still have much to do.. I still need to become stronger than Naruto Nee-chan! I still need to BECOME HOKAGE!!”

“Is being the strongest the only reason you strive to live?” asked Lord Third in his calm, yet inquisitive voice.“The strongest can be crushed in a moment of weakness, but even the weak can overcome all odds if they have true strength, something that doesn’t depend on chakra or ninjutsu”.

“I need to be there to protect the ones I love... Hanabi, Kurenai Sensei, Mirai, Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki... I need to protect them all!!!! I need to be there to protect my family. As you taught me once... to the Hokage, the whole village is their family. I need to be there to protect Konoha. I can’t do that if I’m gone”.

“Very well... you’ve truly grown into a wonderful shinobi my grandson, you’ve definitely Inherited the Will of Fire and I’m so proud of you. Heh!”

As Hiruzen said those words, he began fading away “Tell Naruto that I’m proud of him too, Tell Orochimaru that he does not need to blame himself anymore for my death, we all get lost in life. Most Importantly, Remember that I’ll always love you and shall be watching over Mitarai from the Pure World”.

A gentle smile formed on Hiruzen’s wrinkled face as he disappeared “ Looks like we owe one to the Halloween Goddess for reuniting us”.

Orochimaru’s Lab

Konohamaru opened his eyes to see orochimaru panting heavily... Naruto was lying face first on the ground, snoring....drool trickling from the side of his mouth.

“Don’t bother, Sarutobi Sensei’s chakra reached me..hah!As for Naruto, he’s exhausted from giving you all his chakra to regenerate your body and soul. Still, if you can...., please... forgive me” orochimaru uttered as he too collapsed onto the ground.

“Yeah!” Konohamaru said softly under his breath looking up as he planned what to buy for Hanabi from the Yamanaka Flower Shop for the fireworks viewing and Lantern releasing ceremony.

Quicky Post

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