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[ Suggestions ] Pay 2 win


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-24 06:32:59Show All Posts
There's a major difference between a player who has spent a lot of money on the game and a play who has only gotten the Jonin Medal. There's a player that almost always tops in my server that has always been free to play -- they're just a really good player, with a good understanding of the game, and puts a lot of work into progressing. A lot of the ingot events don't give as major of an advantage as many claim.

It will take longer for free players to get things done, sure, the medals offer easier ways to achieve some things and waste less time, but the game is still a strategy game. If you work hard, you can achieve a lot of things, and on most servers, the paying players that have major advantages are a very small number. You can get so many things with coupons and coupons are gotten for free, via the game, and there are very few things that can only bought with ingots. If you save up your coupons, you will even be able to get high level characters later on -- characters that paying players will shell out a lot of money for.

They could have easily made it so that you could only get magatama, refines sand such using ingots. They could've made it so that not completing an instance will not give you back your stamina -- to encourage players to buy stamina even more. Even some of the more heavily "pay to win" players don't buy stamina with ingots, and wait like everyone else.

And a game like this allows you to play for free, and running it definitely isn't free, so they need paying aspects of the game, there's no denying that they need to cover the costs. If someone can get a few things easy and free, they are less likely to pay for the game. Would you rather have to spend 60 or more dollars just so you could sign up and play the game? People who put money into the game, do they not deserve some advantages? They are helping the game keep being free to play.

There are plenty of browser games that are way worse, Naruto Online is one of the least "pay to win" browser games I've seen. And many paying players shell out a lot of money for characters, and not power. There's only so many things you can do with a large cast of characters but with awful stats (to note: people can do whatever they want with their money). Any type of player can make bad choices playing the game, of course.

This post was last edited by Amadeu at 2016-9-24 06:38 This post was last edited by Amadeu at 2016-9-24 06:39
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