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[ Suggestions ] Nerf


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On 2020-06-22 23:37:36Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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There are some characters in this game that sorely need a nerf. I will put a disclaimer here saying I know full well that oasis know about as much in games design and programming as my 2 year old dog, but it still should be said.

edo minato - I loved this character, i was the first person in my server to get him , and even before his breaks came and before every single player in the game had him because he was shoved in our faces in every single event cycle I was using him with wind main and/or gakido teams . But now it is just obscene, everyone from players with 4 year accounts and only 18k power to 900k uberwhales using a character who isnt strong, isnt versatile, they use him just because he is untouchable, mine does not dodge, I assume on account creation my "luck" was pre rolled to be dog *e, but the character being used purely because he cannot be touched by any other character is broken

Kushi red hot....- the one and only time I have ever had "luck" in 4 years here was winning kushi in a lucky * shortly after she was released and it was such a game changer, this character who could suppress immunity, but now she has again changed the game, and not for the better, she is not an equalizer, she is not a counter, she is flat out broken, either you use kushi or you lose, those are your only 2 options that remain in this game because while she cant dodge her heal,immunity and self stacking are unmatched, it allows you to beat players with a few hundred k more power than you if they dont use her. but you dont win by skill, talent, timing, team cohesion, strategy, you win by leech, that is it, if you use kushi you are a * player, infact you arent even player, because your input is not required she can auto leech her way to a win, completely removing gameplay from a god* video game

Gaara kk- why oh why, did they decide to make *ready defensive power house immortal? why did they decide to make the second strongest medical character in the entire game, after tsunade seal, a guy who has zero medical ninjustu and zero healing capabilities? it is *ing *, he just stands there putting up shields and healing with his god level medical ninjutsu passive, whats next? are you going to give rock lee the strongest ninjutsu skillset in the game? it not only makes literally zero sense for the character to have that skill, but facing him is about as much fun as getting a colonoscopy, I would rather find a lump on my body than have to watch gaara stand there and shield and heal the * player running him to victory over 10 rounds one more time.

Anyone who needs to rely on any of these characters is crap at the game, no two ways about that, but the issue is more than that it is that these characters are undeniably broken, why do you expect people to pay for ashura when edo minato already provides an easily reemable, untouchable, immune pos1 1? why do you expect people to pay for kushi christmas when we already have a version of kushi whose presence ruins the game? why do you expect people to pay for tsunade seal when they can get the second best, downright unkillable medical god you have turned gaara into for completely free?

Yes there will always be meta, yes the vast majority of this surprisingly uncreative, community of brainless nerd clones will flock to meta because they are too dumb, too boring or too bad at the game to come up with their own teams, and actually you know, play the videogame, but these 3 characters are simultaneously the peak of monotony and the lowest point this game has hit in 4 years, they are 100% unbalanced, not at all fun, slower than an iceberg, their presence in the current state of the game are the most boring video game characters ever animated.

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-22 23:37:36.
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On 2020-06-22 21:54:07Show this Author Only

full buff pos1 kakuzu owns kushina within the 200k-400k battle power range.

This post was last edited by brensonlee on 2020-06-22 21:54:46.
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On 2020-06-22 23:14:30Show this Author Only
  • brensonlee On 2020-06-22 21:54:07
  • full buff pos1 kakuzu owns kushina within the 200k-400k battle power range.

This. Original Poster either comes from server with different meta or somehow avoided meeting BT Earth Grudge Kakuzu + cheerleaders teams

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On 2020-06-22 23:37:03Show this Author Only
  • Aerth On 2020-06-22 23:14:30
  • This. Original Poster either comes from server with different meta or somehow avoided meeting BT Earth Grudge Kakuzu + cheerleaders teams

this, kakuzu is very rare these days, i encounter sometimes in arena but no one in my server runs hims anymore the days of kakuzu, edo itachi and kimono konan are gone, and between bonds, sage and xgnw I come across maybe,*maybe* 2 kakuzu teams per weak

60% of matches are kushi/gaara combos which are indescribably boring, and when * players use them in gnw a single round goes on for like half an hour.

39.9% are minatos, who even with huge power disadvantages and if they only have the +1 break, dodge every single standard attack .

the remaining 0.1% are people who treat this video game as a video game and run teams requiring at least some measure of player input.

different strokes for different folks and all that, but I will never understand why the overwhelming majority of people here are just bank machines, they put money into a game, so an AI can auto run a pre-set team, because as I said they are too dumb or too boring to even try and experiment with the hundreds of characters here, and these characters, who surely you cant deny are broken as hell(?), are the epitome of that problem. tenten blitz/root/edo hiruzen/triple healer teams/kakuzu grudge sb/nagato sb, there have always been annoying teams but these characters take it to a new level, broken AND boring AND slow AND single character carries AND easily redeemable, meaning they are more common than any other annoying meta that came before them . where does the fun or gameplay come into that? it doesnt and I dont get it, If i was so dependent on auto and other peoples ideas using unbalanced characters I would quit, logging in would bring no fun, you are not playing a game

I don't even mind losing, I am happy enough running my ever changing fun teams, but I still wholeheartedly believe in the 3 years I have been here, these characters are the most unbalanced of them all and it really should be addressed

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-23 00:41:27.
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On 2020-06-23 05:23:36Show this Author Only

Wait till meet you BT kakuzu EGF + BT zetsu... probably the most cancerous unit in the game atm.

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On 2020-06-23 06:15:01Show this Author Only

Problem with experimanting with teams is that game actively discourages it. Sure, it is not fun to put game on auto and score wins, but it is also not fun when you play 6 months, invest time (not money, I never recharged even once) and you get destroyed in Sage as fast as you were after first 2 weeks of playing. I pretty much skip Sage and Matsuri now, cause it is nothing but waste of time and source of frustration. I can get to 5000 sun scrolls per week without them and I don't really need more than that.

Tbh, as tabletop miniature wargames player, I see in Naruto Online some similarities that always annoyed me. There is power creep with new chars and new BT being more and more ridiculous and broken. I see "wording play", meaning some mechanics are suppose to not stack to keep balance... unless some skills effectively working the same have different wording. Some skills just working without any real risk of failing while others are heavy risk - low reward.

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On 2020-06-23 11:29:49Show this Author Only

eh, on Kushina she's powerful and pretty easy to get but not too powerful.

Gaara Kazekage on the other hand... seriously 5% health back for each attack.

-Hashirama has health back for each attack but its only 3% when BT and he has wood style so it makes sense

-Sakura has health back which makes the most sense becuz of Reverse Seal + Healing Powers

But gaara kk has 5% health back!?!?!?! and Super Armour and not to mention it's a freaking 60 pull in 5 kage treasure and has his own elite instance.

When ever I fight a gaara kk it always goes last, I always seem to encounter the classic Jinchuriki + Naruto 6p lineup and Killer b and main go down round 1 or 2 and then Naruto 6p but Gaara is just immortal he drags out fights unnecessarily and he's just so easy to get as well. Im fine with Gaara only if his Health back was at a reasonable amount like 2% or just no health back.

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On 2020-06-23 13:53:17Show this Author Only

I mean it's true, specially kushi and gaara, cause idk how many times in sage i wiped the enemy's team in first round but oh boy the resistance kushi survived and from there scaled and bring me to round 10 from a fight i had easily won, making me loose so much time. And indeed gaara healing more than hashi is so *.

Still i tell ya, put a control ninja in your life. Kurenai Summer or Ibiki can put out of the board any ninja for two rounds if you use them correctly, that's more than enough to kill any of the above mentioned demons trust me.

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On 2020-06-23 15:14:23Show this Author Only

I'm just reading and laughing at the people are are saying "kakuzu can beat kushina" like bruh kakuzu can't do anything to def/res kushina i don't even have full broken passive on her and still i can beat kakuzu who got better stats then me lol and saying kushina isn't too powerful is like uhhhhhhhh what? she's most broken rn she can be beaten by killerbee and sasuke rinne only others are just piece of cake for her but still in killer bee's case it depnds on initative

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On 2020-06-23 18:36:34Show this Author Only

It all depends on the fight.

3v3 - Kushina > Edo Minato > Grudge

2v2 - Edo Minato > Kushina > Grudge

1v1 - Grudge > Kushina > Edo Minato

Kushina also has an advantage in running Auto. Minato is ok on auto, but Grudge meta can't auto for squat.

The only real "broken" ninjas are gaara healing (should be lowered to 3% or 4%), although it just makes it harder to punch up. And Tsunade immortal, although you can remove her status immunity and put her to sleep and she doesn't get immunity back in round 2. Tsunade should have -50% dodge for all friendly ninja while she is on the field.

This post was last edited by Picklejuicy on 2020-06-23 18:40:11.
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On 2020-06-23 19:34:37Show this Author Only

Gaara is a weak lil bebe who dies SO fast to ignition and doesn't even cause any damage. Heck even ignition from a * chase can stop him dead in his tracks.

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On 2020-06-24 00:26:25Show this Author Only
  • brensonlee On 2020-06-23 19:34:37
  • Gaara is a weak lil bebe who dies SO fast to ignition and doesn't even cause any damage. Heck even ignition from a * chase can stop him dead in his tracks.

gaara is the farthest thing from weak, super armour and the highest self heal percentage in the game and scaling def/res and strong shield stacking. Ignition/poison or ninjas like sasuke rine/summer kakashi etc can hurt him sure, but even if you can consistently ignite him he can still endure multiple rounds all the while stacking shields like an mf-er.

there are many words you could use to describe gaara since they give him these completely out of character breaks, but weak is certainly not one of them

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-24 00:29:42.
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On 2020-06-24 00:29:02Show this Author Only
  • Perfect_Cell On 2020-06-23 13:53:17
  • I mean it's true, specially kushi and gaara, cause idk how many times in sage i wiped the enemy's team in first round but oh boy the resistance kushi survived and from there scaled and bring me to round 10 from a fight i had easily won, making me loose so much time. And indeed gaara healing more than hashi is so *.

    Still i tell ya, put a control ninja in your life. Kurenai Summer or Ibiki can put out of the board any ninja for two rounds if you use them correctly, that's more than enough to kill any of the above mentioned demons trust me.

yeah, thats what I do, I still change my teams because as I said, if I used meta I would be so bored I would quit within a week. But ibiki has become a staple member of my lineups, even so though I really wish something would be done.

Difficult ninjas, annoying ninjas, slow ninjas, broken ninjas I can deal with them all, and it is fun coming up with different methods of trying to take them down, but characters that are all of those things in one monotonous beyond compare package is such a drag to face over and over and over again, just a few minor tweaks would allow those characters to still be strong, but not outright broken

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On 2020-06-24 00:31:45Show this Author Only
  • ?O?B?I?T?O? On 2020-06-23 11:29:49
  • eh, on Kushina she's powerful and pretty easy to get but not too powerful.

    Gaara Kazekage on the other hand... seriously 5% health back for each attack.

    -Hashirama has health back for each attack but its only 3% when BT and he has wood style so it makes sense

    -Sakura has health back which makes the most sense becuz of Reverse Seal + Healing Powers

    But gaara kk has 5% health back!?!?!?! and Super Armour and not to mention it's a freaking 60 pull in 5 kage treasure and has his own elite instance.

    When ever I fight a gaara kk it always goes last, I always seem to encounter the classic Jinchuriki + Naruto 6p lineup and Killer b and main go down round 1 or 2 and then Naruto 6p but Gaara is just immortal he drags out fights unnecessarily and he's just so easy to get as well. Im fine with Gaara only if his Health back was at a reasonable amount like 2% or just no health back.

thank you!

even bee 8 tails, an event only character who is either very expensive or very time consuming to 4 star and then get sb's for doesnt heal that much and even then, bee has immunity but not super armour or stackable def/res so while he can be slow he doesnt feel broken, there is a level balance in his skillset. Gaara though it's too much, as you said even without completely removing the heal but lowering the percent, he would still be an easily obtainable S tier support ninja, but wouldnt be game altering slow in the process

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-24 00:34:03.
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On 2020-06-24 00:43:35Show this Author Only

Kurenai summer and kakashi summer need nerf -_- specially Kurenai summer

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On 2020-06-24 00:46:28Show this Author Only
  • Aerth On 2020-06-23 06:15:01
  • Problem with experimanting with teams is that game actively discourages it. Sure, it is not fun to put game on auto and score wins, but it is also not fun when you play 6 months, invest time (not money, I never recharged even once) and you get destroyed in Sage as fast as you were after first 2 weeks of playing. I pretty much skip Sage and Matsuri now, cause it is nothing but waste of time and source of frustration. I can get to 5000 sun scrolls per week without them and I don't really need more than that.

    Tbh, as tabletop miniature wargames player, I see in Naruto Online some similarities that always annoyed me. There is power creep with new chars and new BT being more and more ridiculous and broken. I see "wording play", meaning some mechanics are suppose to not stack to keep balance... unless some skills effectively working the same have different wording. Some skills just working without any real risk of failing while others are heavy risk - low reward.

You are completely right, it is actively discouraged, and I wont pretend I can talk for the experiences that other people have here, but in the past the metas have been tedious but not unstoppable, you lose more than you win, but you could experiment and you could find methods to atleast make the bad players have to work for their wins, but these days that is no longer the case, either you run one of the characters mentioned above or you lose, plain and simple.

Experimenting and creating with teams has never been rewarded here but it has never felt so punished as it does now:

run one of the characters that every single other player runs and have spent more money than them= 10 boring rounds, but you win, if you can call it that

Use any other characters and/or not be as rich as your opponent = still 6-10 boring rounds, and then you lose

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On 2020-06-24 01:03:26Show this Author Only
  • RodrigoVrm On 2020-06-24 00:43:35
  • Kurenai summer and kakashi summer need nerf -_- specially Kurenai summer

I cant remember the username but somebody summed up summer kakashi perfectly, he is a glass cannon, he buffs attack/nin but weakens def/res plus he is pretty fragile from the get go, if you have a full buff/bltz/high combo team you can maybe take him out of the picture in round 1, the only problem is init, if you dont have the init then it is a problem because surviving his undodgeable buffed mystery is tough, but then again any first position character with higher init than you is a problem.

In that case you would need tanks/healers and/or units to remove any other buffs/barriers on kakashis side of the field, he is tough thats for sure, but he is manageable

as for kurenai summer, her mystery is nice but she is not OP, her mystery is useful but fire main, edo itachi, regular kurenai, ningendo can reflect it

and as far as I know unlike edo itachi and ibiki there isnt a chakra requirement to remove the status so any debuff clearer/healer/slug summon can undo it.

I wont dimini* if she is challenging to newer servers, but overall in the current state of the game she is a nice support, but nothing you can't contend with

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On 2020-06-24 01:35:17Show this Author Only

Hello, This thread has turned into more of a rant and less of a suggestion, so it will need to be closed soon, but before it is closed, I'd like to clarify/gather some information to submit to the devs first.

1) What would you like to see nerfed about the ninjas in question?
2) What ninjas would you like to see replace them as the top ninjas of the current meta?

So far from the current posts I'm seeing that you would like to see Kushina's scaling reduced.
You'd like to see Gaara's scaling reduced, and to counter this, you'd like to see him given offensive abilities on par with Jinchuriki Bee, who you used as a comparison point.
You would like to see Minato's dodge chance reduced (perhaps to a flat chance rather than being based on combo? I assume your combo is low based upon your post?)
You would like to see EGF Kakuzu nerfed, specifically reducing his heal and damage output?
You would like to see Tsunade Reserve Seal nerfed, causing her to give the allied teams a debuff that makes them less likely to dodge?
You would like to see Summer Kurenai nerfed, but I need clarification on how.
You would like to see Ibiki nerfed, but I need clarification on how.
You would like to see Summer Kakashi nerfed, but I need clarification on how. Thanks!

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On 2020-06-24 01:51:34Show this Author Only

Personally I only had 3 suggestions for opening this thread

1: address edo minato, in multiple ways

stop putting him in every single event cycle, he has been in fuku more than any other character ever, and has been in more redeemable events than any other character already.

fix his breaks, whether the skill or the description itself, the description currently says it increases evasion against standard attacks by 50% but that is nonsense, I have 25k combo, I dont know if that is low or not but mine cant dodge anything, yet players with 1/10th my power can dodge every standard for 10 rounds. Ideally I would say lower the dodge rate, I am sharing my personal experience, but that is not the basis for my suggestion, I dont care if I personally have a broken minato, the characters dodge skill is op and that is what I suggest be nerfed

2:address kushi red hot: maybe reduce the rate of her scaling abilities or the 20% health recovery

3:address gaara kk, giving him the strongest self heal is broken,

remove or even simply reducing it ,no, not the same rate as bee, I used bee as an example to show how broken gaara is, gaara already has super armour and scaling def/res which offsets the need for such a strong self heal, if he has to have it, it should at least be lower than that of bee.

Those were my suggestions for opening the thread, the other characters you mentioned you would need to wait for replies from others, none of the characters you mentioned below minato are ones that I personally think need nerfed, definitely not ibiki/summer kakashi/summer kurenai

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-24 02:01:47.
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On 2020-06-24 06:08:04Show this Author Only
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2020-06-24 01:35:17
  • Hello, This thread has turned into more of a rant and less of a suggestion, so it will need to be closed soon, but before it is closed, I'd like to clarify/gather some information to submit to the devs first.

    1) What would you like to see nerfed about the ninjas in question?
    2) What ninjas would you like to see replace them as the top ninjas of the current meta?

    So far from the current posts I'm seeing that you would like to see Kushina's scaling reduced.
    You'd like to see Gaara's scaling reduced, and to counter this, you'd like to see him given offensive abilities on par with Jinchuriki Bee, who you used as a comparison point.
    You would like to see Minato's dodge chance reduced (perhaps to a flat chance rather than being based on combo? I assume your combo is low based upon your post?)
    You would like to see EGF Kakuzu nerfed, specifically reducing his heal and damage output?
    You would like to see Tsunade Reserve Seal nerfed, causing her to give the allied teams a debuff that makes them less likely to dodge?
    You would like to see Summer Kurenai nerfed, but I need clarification on how.
    You would like to see Ibiki nerfed, but I need clarification on how.
    You would like to see Summer Kakashi nerfed, but I need clarification on how. Thanks!

"You would like to see Minato's dodge chance reduced (perhaps to a flat chance rather than being based on combo? I assume your combo is low based upon your post?)"

Wait, what? If Edo Minato's dodge chance at +2 on the Yellow Flash passive is not a flat 50% for each standard attack (so basically, it should be like a coin flip each time) and is instead somehow based on his combo rate, that's news to me. Nowhere in his skills description is anything like that mentioned. If it is the case that it's somehow based on combo rate, that should be stated in his description. I dont have his BT because I find him a boring, overstaturated character and never went out of my way to get him, so I have no personal experience with his BT dodge rate. Some clarification would be nice though.

In terms of the other ninjas: personally I don't think Kushina or Gaara should be nerfed. Sure it can be annoying to fight against the BT Gaara and Kushina combo. Stall is annoying strategy, yes. But it should also be a viable strategy people can choose. And honestly, as others have pointed out, this core isn't as unbeatable as you make it out to be. Gaara is easily countered by ingition or poison, and ignition is pretty common. Kushina can be blitzed down in round 1 or 2 if you're running the offensive variant.

More importantly though, I think it it would be very f2p unfriendly to nerf these characters, since Kushina and Gaara is one of the easier cores to get for cheap (literally, I never spent any money in this game). Kushina frags get given out a lot and Gaara you can pull from treasures or do his instance. A lot of f2p have Kushina recommended to them as a good first "carry" pos 1 ninja, imagine how crushing it will be to everyone who saved up for her and/or pieced her together if she gets nerfed. Please, devs, don't do this.

The only character I could see an argument for is Edo Minato. His dodge rate when fighting against him is annoying. 50% is very high and sometimes it seems like nothing hits. However, I think a future meta shift will drop Edo Minato from the top in due time. When we get GNW Madara (Obito) BT, I think Edo Minato's usage will fall. With BT Nagato on the team, GNW Madara's mystery becomes undodgable and his chases c*so be made undodgable. So for example you could run a team like this:

Screen Shot 2020-06-23 at 5

Where the combo off Sasuke's mystery is this:

Screen Shot 2020-06-23 at 5

If you have the right skills on everyone, this means Sasuke's mystery cannot miss Edo Minato, and Madara's chase (which supresses immunity and causes immobile) also cannot miss. If you have enough chakra, you could also launch GNW Madara's mystery right after this and hit Minato again. Also, though it will probably be a while, Kimono Shisui just got BT that make his mystery and standard undodgable. In time, Edo Minato's skillset will not be as hard to counter. I'd say just let the meta run its course.

(Also Tachibana Saeko, can you clarify if GNW Madara's BT does more damage TO jinchuriki opponents or because someone on Madara's SAME TEAM is a jinchuuriki? On the Proxy it says something different from his in-game description which is kind of unclear when it says "when there is a jinchuriki on the team, this skill's damage is increased by 40%." Which is "the" team? I would guess the opponent's but some people understand it as your team).

Quicky Post

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