Views: 5183 | Replies: 6
3star Karui - PASSIVE


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-02 03:03:19Show All Posts
  • Aca1902 On 2020-04-02 01:25:43
  • Maybe they are confused because passive is not working as it should be? It says "Only effects those with Mystery Skils that cost more then 40 Chakra. So if im not wrong it should lower chakra for mystery that cost 50 and more. It doest say it lowers cost of mystery that cost 40 or more. But it does work like that. It lowers cost for everything that cost 40 chakra and above. At least thats how i understand it. But im guessing its translated wrong. It wouldnt be 1st time to make mistakes like that.

The skill working as it should be, Its just Oasis who cant translate correctly. Its 40 chakra or more

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