Views: 44335 | Replies: 60
[ Events ] Event Cycle - March 12th


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  • Registered: 2018-11-11
  • Topics: 41
  • Posts: 61
On 2020-03-11 20:05:30Show All Posts
  • TobinExplains On 2020-03-11 19:38:18
  • Hey guys, Tobin here to explain the joke.

    They finally added GNW Shikamaru after 3 billion years.

    Also, seventh.

How do we get Shikamaru GNW?

  • Registered: 2018-11-11
  • Topics: 41
  • Posts: 61
On 2020-03-11 20:41:44Show All Posts
  • MegaMind On 2020-03-11 20:19:15
  • Total Recharge Rebate ofcourse

No thanks. Not worth a 2 star ninja in China. Not to mention I’m on a recharge self-imposed restriction.

Quicky Post

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