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[ Events ] Event Cycle - February 27th


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  • Registered: 2018-09-12
  • Topics: 48
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On 2020-02-26 20:46:11Show All Posts
  • Legendary777 On 2020-02-26 20:35:39
  • Tsunade (young adult) is the ninja for march.

    And if I guess right then Orochimaru (young adult) will be the monthly ninja of april.

I don't find this communication in events
  • Registered: 2018-09-12
  • Topics: 48
  • Posts: 159
On 2020-02-27 17:44:41Show All Posts
  • Legendary777 On 2020-02-26 20:49:13
  • It common sense man, Jiraiya [Young Adult] is the ninja for February. And Yahiko & Konan [Young Adult] was in 3v3 arena.

ninjia mifune ahahahah

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