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[ Player Guide ] Great Plates 2000 spins value


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  • Registered: 2018-04-03
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On 2020-02-11 16:15:53Show All Posts
  • Picklejuicy On 2020-02-11 04:15:32
  • The Kakashi line seems odd to me. The other lines are fairly normal for RNG winnings. But, Kakashi, the "prize", of this seemed to have its drop rate reduced after you won him 35 times. If this were just 100 spins, then I would say it was just an anomaly. But with this number of spins, seems to me that Oasis is limiting how many of the highest coupon price items you can win. None of the other items show this kind of statistical randomness.

had the same with Kakashi, got 40 frags first 10000 spins then only 1 frag for the rest. And also got like 600 protection viles xD

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