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[ Events ] Events Cycle - December 12th


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  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2019-12-11 20:34:09Show All Posts
  • 爱不留 On 2019-12-11 20:28:42
  • You must have trouble reading. I clearly stated players like "us" bought her for nearly 20k cps. Not sure why you are still claiming I will have an "early" advantage over other players when I already have her. Regarding your second point, I don't usually cry when they release ninjas like Sakura Christmas or Karin Christmas since they have no relevance in today's meta, but Konan agk at one point was considered top tier. Moegi and Udon to be in fireworks tomorrow would literally be oasis trolling. I ask you this. Since when is it normal to get top tier ninjas for free?

It's not. But. Neither Shisui nor AGK are currently even close to Top Tier.

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