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[ Fanfiction ] New Mysteries.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-10-04 10:03:40Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To

*Midnight and Scarlet were training Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and also, sword art. Kazuya were seeing both devils trying not to destroy the battlefield, because their strength weren't the same that three years ago. The blond devil hunter was amazed, 'cuz his father's fighting style was something out of normal, but Scarlet's fighting style was almost equal than Midnight's, at the end, he had a little of devil blood. When they ended their "training session", they falled into the floor, panting and sweating as hell*.

Midnight: *pant* *pant*

Scarlet: *pant* *pant* Another... tie...

Kazuya: Hmm... well, yes. You two have a incredible fighting skills and resistance. But the idea, is join forces. We cannot be beated, if we work together.

Midnight: Hmpf, whatever, son.

Scarlet: He's right, bro. We have to join forces, if you want it.

Midnight: Oh, I have to decide? *sigh* Okay, if we don't have another choice, then... we should fight together.

Scarlet: HAH! That's the smartest thing I've heard you say.

Midnight: *flips Scarlet*

Kazu: Enough, already! Let's go home. I'm starving.

Midnight: *opens a portal with Yamato*

Scarlet: I wanna a pizza, hehe.

Kazuya: *sigh*

*21:00 PM*

*The entire family were eating their dinner. It was a good dinner. The Darkslayer and his midget partner were telling stories when they were on the Underworld*

Midnight: *eating*

Scarlet *eating*: God, this dinner is so good...

Midnight: Where are your manners? Don't talk when you have food on your mouth.

Scarlet: Sorry, bro.

Breezy: Well... Kazuya, do you have anything to say us?

Kazuya: Hm...? No... why?

Breezy: Nothing, nothing. Later I'll talk with you.

Kazuya *thinking*: Oh, f*ck. I bet that she knows that about Azure...

*15 minutes later*

Midnight and Scarlet: Thanks for the food.

Kazuya: *sigh* This dinner was amazing.

Azure: You got that right, dear.

Breezy: Well... if you want to keep eating, you ju-

Midnight and Scarlet: No, thanks. I can't eat more.

Kazuya: Why you 2 are talking at the same time?

Midnight and Scarlet: We're not talki-... You, shut up. YOU SHUT UP! *Devil Trigger transformation* YOU SHU-! *Breezy punches both devils on the head* OWW!!

Breezy: Shut up, both of you, devil idiots!

Midnight: Sorry, dear.

Scarlet: Same.

Kazuya: *sigh and facepalm*

Azure: Hehe... devil "brothers".

Midnight: We're not brothers.

Scarlet: For me, you always will be my big brother.

Midnight: Hmpf, whatever. I'll go to take a bath *goes to his bedroom to get new clothes*

Scarlet: I'll go to sleep. See ya, people *goes to his bedroom*

Azure: I'll go to sleep too. I'll be waiting for you, dear.

Kazuya: Yeah... when I stop talking with mom, I'll go with you.

Azure: Hihi, okay...

*A few minutes later...*

Kazuya: *reading a magazine*

Breeze: Okay, everybody are sleeping. So... *wraps an arm in his neck*

Kazuya: ...

Breeze: Do you have something to say me?

Kazuya: Uhm... no...

Breeze: Really? Because I saw Azure throwing up sometimes, and besides, she goes to another site when your father is smoking.

Kazuya: I-I guess she wants t-to have a h-healthy life... you know, hehe... *sweating a little*

Breeze: Sure... a healthy life. Now I ask you... why are you nervous?

Kazu: I-I don't k-know what are you saying...

Breeze: But why are you talking a little hard?

Kazuya: I'm a little sleepy, mom... If you have something to ask me, do it now. I want to sleep.

Breeze: Really?

Kazuya: Sure... *dry his sweat drops*

Breeze: ... Azure is pregnant, isn't it?

Kazuya: Yes... *he scared covers his mouth with his hands*

Breeze: HAH! I've got you!

Kazuya *scared*: Don't kill me... and don't tell something to dad... please.

Breeze: *sigh* Kazu, Kazu, Kazu... I can't be more happy, now I know this.

Kazuya: ... Wait, what?

Breeze: I'll be a grandmom. You'll gonna be a father, Midnight will be a grandpa, Azure will be mother, and Scarlet... well... he can be a good babysitter.

Kazuya: ...

Breeze: *hugs his son* Thanks for giving me a grandson, my dear baby.

Kazuya: ... *yawn*

Breeze: Go to sleep.

Kazuya: Okay, mom... see ya... *goes to his room*

Breeze: What a kid... hehe.

*1 day later. 08:00 AM*

Scarlet: *wokes up and yawns* Dude... I've slept like a baby.

*The devil midget went to the living room... and he saw something out of normal... Midnight's book was shining in a purple light*

Scarlet: What the hell...? *goes to the book*

*When he opened the book, he saw all that he lived with Midnight and Kazuya. Not only that... he saw something that made his heart stop a little. Scared, he throw the book to the floor*

Scarlet: W-Why Kazuya... had the... Y-Yamato... covered with blood? Why Midnight... and me were... dead...? And besides... who's that girl...?

Midnight: *yawns* Heya, Scar.

Scarlet *scared*: ...

Midnight: Why my book is on the floor?

Scarlet: ... We have a problem, bro. You have to see this.

*Midnight picked his book, and when he saw the things that Scarlet saw... he screamed a little, throwing the book to the wall*

Midnight: ...

Scarlet: ... Bro...?

Midnight: We have a GIANT problem...

Scarlet: What do you mean with that...?

Midnight *thinking*: It already passed four years... since our last encounter. I have to deal with you again... Saori...?

The end.

This post was last edited by IndraBlaze24 on 2019-10-04 10:03:40.
  • Registered: 2019-04-13
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On 2019-10-05 20:55:06Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-10-05 21:42:26Show this Author Only
  • XylinSky On 2019-10-05 20:55:06
  • Awesome

Thanks bro

  • Registered: 2018-05-23
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On 2019-10-05 22:50:16Show this Author Only

Midnight and Scarlet: We're not talki-... You, shut up. YOU SHUT UP! *Devil Trigger transformation* YOU SHU-! *Breezy punches both devils on the head* --> me: couldn't stop laughing

btw, Saori come back XD

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-10-06 01:07:57Show this Author Only
  • Hina Devil On 2019-10-05 22:50:16
  • Midnight and Scarlet: We're not talki-... You, shut up. YOU SHUT UP! *Devil Trigger transformation* YOU SHU-! *Breezy punches both devils on the head* --> me: couldn't stop laughing

    btw, Saori come back XD

Saori-chan, huh? :3333

This will be epic :3333

  • Registered: 2019-10-23
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On 2019-10-23 16:54:16Show this Author Only
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