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[ Events ] New CN ninjas (Shisui Susanoo)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 136
  • Posts: 412
On 2019-09-24 17:20:55Show All PostsDescending Order
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unknown (2)

Shisui Susanoo

Mystery:Deals damage to 9 units in field , cause 4 combos and Suppress Super Armor till the end of round , Knockdown to selected unit and locks the selected unit mystery cooldown to 2 rounds , last till the end of next round.
Battlefield cooldown : 1 , Mystery cooldown : 2 , Chakra : 40

Standard:Attacks a random line of units and cause 5 combos and Ignition , high chance of causing Low Float , also causes 50% splash damage to units 1 grid away from all targets hit.

Chase:Chase Repulse unit , cause High Float and Ignition , can be triggered up to 2x each round.

Passive 1:Triggers at the even number round , allows self and 1 random unit in lineup to enter Explosive mode for 1 round , when under Explosive mode , clears all debuffs and immune to all debuffs , increase initiative by 5% and increase all chases triggering amount by 2 , last till the end of round.

Passive 2:This unit is immune to Low Float , High Float , Repulse , Knockdown and pure taijutsu damage. When receiving damage , reduce the attacker's critical by 50% , last till the end of round(cannot be stacked)


Naruto seksy Jutsu (ofc i can't write the correct word cuz its censored)

Mystery: Causes Slow and Weaken to 5 male units in field , last for 1 round.

Battlefield cooldown : 0 , Mystery cooldown : 2 , Chakra : 20

Standard:Deals damage to 3~5 male ninjas in lineup and decrease their critical by 30% , (last till the end of round and cannot be stacked).

Chase:Chase Repulsed unit and cause Repulse.

Passive 1:When this ninja receives damage , has a 45% to cause Slowto the attacker.

Passive 2:When this ninja is alive , increase 30% ninjutsu to all male units in field.

unknown (4)

Hagane Kotetsu

Mystery:Deals damage and cause 5 combos to entire lineup , Low Float to selected unit.(Added when 4 stars)Reduces defense and resistance by 8% to all units hit by this skill(can be stacked).

Battlefield cooldown : 1 , Mystery cooldown : 2 , Chakra : 40

Standard:Attacks a random line of units , fixed chance of causing Repulse.

Chase 1:Chase Low Float unit , cause Knockdown and this skill ignores a certain amount of defense and resistance.

Chase 2:Triggered when 20 combos at least , deals damage to 4 units in lineup and cause 5 combos.

Passive:(Added when 3*) When this ninja triggers his chase , increase own attack by 5% and increase the amount of chases triggered by 1 each round(up to 5x max).

Is Shisui Susanoo became the new CN meta ninja?

Sources : official CN forum , discord (castal's translation)

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2019-09-24 17:20:55.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 136
  • Posts: 412
On 2019-09-24 20:38:28Show All Posts
  • EdoRyozo On 2019-09-24 17:23:21
  • Thanks for info ^^

ur welcome

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