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[ Events ] Events Cycle - August 8th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-09 04:05:31Show All Posts

I think we got new ninja exams too soon. China got these, when general population had 400-450K power. Our general population has a lot lower power than that.

I think Oasis can take a break in giving us new exams for a while. Maybe start giving us something else in game instead? I have seen many new ninjas, new skillbreaks and skill trials in new exams, so they are already in our version of the game. They just need to be opened for us. I can understand, if it isn't weekly thing. Game needs more content for quite some time.

Since there has been talking about giving us Tsunade NPC, opening some of the skill breaks/trials around the same time would make her even more valuable. Just saying...

Edit: These exams being for 400-450K powers is just what I heard someone from our server cluster, who is more knowing about chinese version to say. It might just be hearsay, but after seeing 500K+ players have some trouble with these exams, I'm willing to belive that.

This post was last edited by TobiragoOda on 2019-08-09 18:36:44.
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