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kekkei genkai


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-09 13:26:51Show All Posts

A kekkei genkai (血継限界, Literally meaning: Bloodline Limit) is an anomaly of the DNA that allows the wielder to use unique techniques. A kekkei genkai's name describes both the anomaly and the resulting technique. Most kekkei genkai are passed down between generations of a clan, an exception being Hashirama Senju's Wood Release. Likewise, most individuals only inherit one kekkei genkai, but Mei Terumī is known to naturally possess two.


Try to research it your own to understand what Kekkei Genkai means .. Since Forums doesn't allow external links, just search it in google and look for naruto fandom site ..

Now, for your reasoning about Naruto taking the other Tailed Beast Chakras should mean that he's a Kekkei Genkai, No, there are things to consider for you to become a Kekkei Genkai user .. Read fandom to know more since i it'll be hassle to copy-paste it all here ..

Another thing, Sealing Technique is not Juinjutsu but Fuinjutsu. Wind Style Technique is not Joton but Futon.

"Ao has kekkei genkai tag and he doesnt have byakugan moves in his skill set" - even if he doesn't have Byakugan Specialized Technique, his eyes itself makes him a Kekkei Genkai user, remember that it is Dojutsu ..

"limited bloodline and kekkei genkai are the same,naruto has boil release that he used when he fought kaguya" - You clearly said it, Naruto got the Boil Release during Kaguya fights, Bloodline is inherited thru the Clan, means it is within you right after you get born ..

"i mean kakashi just took obito eye, there is no change in his blood, but he is tagged as kekkei genkai" - Another contradiction with your own statement, does naruto got change in blood when he received the Tailed Beast Chakras? No, right? ..

That's all, if I'm wrong with something, feel free to correct me ..

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