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[ Help ] Gaara's Passive


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-20 23:41:47Show All PostsDescending Order
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So, I'm an oldie from 1.0, I came back in 3.0 and been playing since then. Iirc, Gaara used to have a passive where he would create shields for everyone at the start of the match, then every round before he makes a move, would increase shields again. Was this removed in any version after 2-3.0? I have him 5* and fully broken, so is that another reason he's been changed? I ask because I was watching some videos on YT for Exam 300, and his guy has BT (Idk if it's full) and he shows the actual animation of shielding other characters like he used to. But then again, that's in China's version. I currently play on NY servers. If anyone has insight, or can link me to a thread that was made about this before, it'd be greatly appreciated!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-21 02:51:03Show All Posts
  • kazikazi On 2019-06-21 02:22:17
  • I started playing in 3.0, so I'm probably not the best source of information, but here's what I know. Gaara has two forms in the game currently: Kazekage Gaara and normal Gaara. Kazekage is in the Kage treasure and has an auto barrier, while normal has a manual barrier and can be skill broken. Normal only shields at the beginning of the battle. Kazekage shields before his first action and not at the beginning of battle (his skill description is off). Kazekage also gets skillbreaks in the Chinese version. Since both are used pretty often in ninja exams, you might have gotten confused :P. Of course, they might have changed it from 1.0, as they did nerf a couple of characters from what I've heard.

No confusion between the two lol, because I don't use Kazekage Gaara. Normal BT Gaara outclasses him imo, so it's just preference. I appreciate the reply though! I'll link video of what I'm talking about

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