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[ Events ] Events Cycle - June 20th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-19 22:11:31Show All Posts
  • javarblunt On 2019-06-19 19:25:59
  • Sasuke [susanoo] already has a breakthrough, which requires him to be 4 star. His is a skill trial is open now so he most likely he will only need to be 3 star. But i guess you never know with these guys.

nope, don't worry, will stay 4 stars

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-19 22:14:17Show All Posts
  • Rozuka On 2019-06-19 21:44:24
  • Depending on where the Itachi frags are I’m looking forward to this weeks events. I do echo the sentinment that is not having any details or updates on main breakthroughs is a little disheartening though. Just as Shawn pointed out it’d be nice if updates stopped rolling out with half the content being removed or super late just to make more money. The bad business practices you guys have used in the past aren’t forgotten from us Aristeaus era players, so please shape up.

    Also, for those who type “save week” every week we get it. Please stop. I usually advocate for F2P but people that spam stuff as such are the reason y’all get a bad rep.

as far as i can see the only little piece of what we may call 6.0 is the update of monthly event (and they tried to remove it XD), but for me we won't be at all in 6.0 until they add the main character breaktroughs, kage TI hard mode, tsunade npc, wandering merchant and a massive update of grocery store.

so, right now, we may say we are in 5.1

@Rinzler: not to bring this thing back but... Haku, hinata, tobi, kimimaro and suigetsu breaktroughs definitively fell in oblivion? It's way over 1 year they should be here, why takes so long to add something useless game wise?

This post was last edited by Garv on 2019-06-19 22:17:25.
Quicky Post

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