Views: 51899 | Replies: 51
[ Events ] Event Cycle - April 11th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 44
  • Posts: 1571
On 2019-04-11 06:09:39Show All Posts
  • Raizel Di Cadiz On 2019-04-10 20:28:39
  • well , at least stop post events like that and add pics like old days , because this make everything just boring and waste of good deals , i hate to wait to see events idk what's there and waste good deals , please guys , ADD PICS TO MAKE PLAYER BE READY AT LEAST , and thanks for your time ( please , take this as feedback ).

They won't. Mod have said it many many many many many many times. You have probably missed it.

Quicky Post

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