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[ News ] Server Merge Requests - Week of April 1st


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  • Registered: 2017-11-09
  • Topics: 58
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On 2019-04-06 23:13:48Show All Posts

1.Server ID: S1165

2. Server Region: Asia

3. Server Age: 2 month +

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutesScreenshot_20190406_225853Screenshot_20190406_195043Screenshot_20190406_225917Screenshot_20190406_225941++

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 12 Million

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1

  • Registered: 2017-11-09
  • Topics: 58
  • Posts: 22
On 2019-04-06 23:35:42Show All Posts

1.Server ID: S1165

2. Server Region: asia

3. Server Age: 2 months +

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutes

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 11m

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1

  • Registered: 2017-11-09
  • Topics: 58
  • Posts: 22
On 2019-04-10 13:51:28Show All Posts

1. Server ID: S1165:Benihisago - Absortion

2. Server region: asia

3. Server age: Approx. 3 months

4. Time taken to kill world boss: approx 20 minutes

5. World boss HP on Tuesday: 12M

6. No. of groups participating in Great Ninja War:


Please Do fast server merged, power around up 30k

  • Registered: 2017-11-09
  • Topics: 58
  • Posts: 22
On 2019-04-10 13:56:35Show All Posts

1. Server ID: S1165:Benihisago - Absortion

2. Server region: asia

3. Server age: Approx. 3 months

4. Time taken to kill world boss: approx 20 minutes

5. World boss HP on Tuesday: 12M

6. No. of groups participating in Great Ninja War:


Please Do fast server merged, power around up 30k

  • Registered: 2017-11-09
  • Topics: 58
  • Posts: 22
On 2019-04-16 20:33:47Show All Posts

1.Server ID: S1165

2.Sevrver Region: HK

3.Server Age 3 Months

4.Time to Kill World Boss: 6-7 minutes

5.World Boss Hp on Tuesday: 11.5M

6.No. of group particpiating in Great Ninja War: 1 or 0 Sometimes

7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5:44k Top 10:40,3k Top 20:35,9k

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