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[ Events ] Events Cycle - March 14th


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-03-15 01:00:01Show All Posts
  • *___o On 2019-03-14 17:01:18
  • 1. For all people that dislike this game. Please do us all a favor and just quit. We don't care about your drama.

    Nobody asked you 2 play this game and nobody cares if you don't.

    2. Read before you make comments about naruto 6p not being obtainable for coupons. (Lucky *)

    3. The reason you are F2P is because there are whales (and no i am not). If you complain about spenders and they gave the spenders no benefits, you would not be playing this game since it would not exist.

    4. And game is not dead. Because the haters/complainers/trollers etc are still here and so is the game and company.

    (you are still here complaining week after week ain't ya?)

    5. I am pretty sure people have all said these things before me but i am just leaving my 2 cents here. Take it or leave it. (not gonna reply on anything)

so i take it that you NEVER played another game like this?

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-03-16 09:10:21Show All Posts
  • Mitokiri On 2019-03-16 04:49:07
  • you're right, dude, all they care about is money, but what

    personally makes me laugh, that people think that they make mistakes, they don’t allow them, they just need to make sure that we (the players) can't just get what we want . This applies to Edo Han, to Naruto 6p, as well as a nerf of good events (sakura gift).

imb4 jibilu comes and deletes all those comments....

i one commented at the events how bad they are (as most people do) and i got my comment deleted for "no drama" bs...

one i was talking to someone about oasis fixing drop rates, boom jibilu "no drama"

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-03-16 09:12:15Show All Posts
  • manwithnoname On 2019-03-15 04:25:50
  • I'm pretty sure the 3rd point goes both ways. If F2P players quit, who are the P2W players going to play with? But I as a former P2W player (quit the game for like a year and came back) and now a F2P agree. Too many people here whine like the games should be tailored specifically for them.

the same argument can go both ways... why you or i should think that if we paid the game should be tailored how we want?

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-03-17 20:53:09Show All Posts
  • GuessIt On 2019-03-16 17:39:56
  • You're right about it until a certain extent. Indeed no player should expect the game features to be tailored based on what we want but, at the same time, we'd like a game with

    -proper communication

    -bug fixed or at least provide a decent timetable on how much time it takes for them to be fixed

    -admins avoiding lying to us like if we were a bunch of teenagers (sakura event and ino flowers fiasco docet)

    -being treated as customers and not as cows.

and again... shouldn't that be for everyone regardless the fact that they paid or not?

Quicky Post

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