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[ Events ] Events Cycle - March 14th


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  • Registered: 2019-02-14
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On 2019-03-13 20:45:49Show All Posts

*Still waiting when naruto mobile comes to global*

  • Registered: 2019-02-14
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On 2019-03-14 16:46:48Show All Posts

Events worse and worse for f2p good job,I really want to see how donators will enjoy the game when they fight only with each other,because what you are doing now is silent horror. No skill trials,no naruto 6p for players who save coupons for him(3 month i think?),another madara rebate,but earlier you said it was a one-time action, seperate good events with synergy,now i really think that all you need its milk p2w players.

  • Registered: 2019-02-14
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On 2019-03-16 04:49:07Show All Posts
  • GuessIt On 2019-03-16 00:32:01
  • You're delusional if you think it's a mistake. They've changed like that on purpose to try milk ppl even more. And expect more stuff like that in future, they don't care of long term issues it may arise, they just want much money ASAP

you're right, dude, all they care about is money, but what

personally makes me laugh, that people think that they make mistakes, they don’t allow them, they just need to make sure that we (the players) can't just get what we want . This applies to Edo Han, to Naruto 6p, as well as a nerf of good events (sakura gift).

This post was last edited by Mitokiri on 2019-03-16 04:49:40.
Quicky Post

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