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Tough luck (Zenith final)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
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On 2019-03-01 14:18:36Show All Posts

No use, bro, if you match before 20:15, I will use Natsu or recharge拯救木叶 to defeat you

because these two accounts both control by me

that means, no matter you match a opponent or not, you still will get 1500 cps

because I use recharge拯救木叶 account to wait until 20:16,

if not match at that time, I will control these two accounts to fight each other

you start to match at 20:35, that means you fear to match others and want to get win free

but you don't know that all wait time in final are 45minutes

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
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On 2019-03-01 17:36:48Show All Posts
  • Tamakens 宿南 On 2019-03-01 17:26:55
  • I know how it works and I wouldnt really call it fear to match with others because if thats the case then i shouldnt have q'd at all and wait for an opponent :) also you should have read carefully as I've said I q'd up for more than 45 mins at first attempt it was before swb. encountered some errors due to mainte, timer still ticking till it stops on its own that i had to requeue to wait again for a match as u saw in the screenshot thats why its at 24mins or so which the event is almost about to end so yeah :) doesnt really bother me if u say that u'd beat me in best of 5 bro idk if youre picking a fight against me or not hehe but even if we did get to fight in zenith and u ever beat me I'd be glad to know that there are good players out there that I can't beat which is the best feeling if you are a competitive player. anyways still wish u the best bro.


I just feel boring so I help others to get Zenith 9 points, like recharge拯救木叶 from S299, joezz from S906, and Natsu from S853

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