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[ Events ] Event Cycle - February 7th


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On 2019-02-06 21:25:21Show this Author Only

tá melhor q o br pelo menos

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On 2019-02-06 21:28:44Show this Author Only


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On 2019-02-06 21:32:20Show this Author Only

People are so obsessed with their cancer Naruto that , nobody remarked they will sell items for the new feature in Konoha Gift Shop , which is great .. but hey where is Naruto

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On 2019-02-06 21:37:28Show this Author Only

I redeemed Naruto SP on Lucky Stars event and get Konan Kimono along with one comparable with KOH summon, that is, the lady frog (fit so good with poison cancer, Azure, team for resistance lowering kit, increasing the damage of the poison. And Naruto damage, which mostly Ninjutsu, also increased because of this, thus increasing his leech too) as a rebate from Fuku's deal. Now you guys suffering in agony begging for him to be redeemable with coupons, which is not, currently, and Lucky Stars is now separated from Fuku's deal rebate.

I am telling you this to increase the intensity of your mental anguish poor late batch of Naruto SP hunter:p

This post was last edited by King engine on 2019-02-06 21:39:54.
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On 2019-02-06 21:45:57Show this Author Only

who the hell will buy edo roshi or tsunade's BF no one cares about this ninjas.where is 6p naruto?

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On 2019-02-06 21:51:44Show this Author Only

Where is Guy's Tortoise? The Gerota is useless.

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On 2019-02-06 21:54:32Show this Author Only
  • KoChOyA On 2019-02-06 21:32:20
  • People are so obsessed with their cancer Naruto that , nobody remarked they will sell items for the new feature in Konoha Gift Shop , which is great .. but hey where is Naruto

You would be mad also, if f2p or low casher(monthly only)

I was buying frags each time he was in events.. and missing few only and there tons of people missing less then few frags

Then 2 months no naruto for frags and we all w8 it

Ofc we all pissed

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-06 21:55:55Show this Author Only

I am even ready for recharge normal event

But not spending 300$ for 6 frags wtf....

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On 2019-02-06 22:16:00Show this Author Only

saving week again

Yes im waiting for naruto 6p, im patient, besides waiting for a good fuku deals, last one was garbage, swimsuit temari got nerfed, so u gave her away to the *ers.

This post was last edited by UchihaShay on 2019-02-06 22:23:38.
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On 2019-02-06 22:20:46Show this Author Only

Dammit!! Another week without Recruit Feedback, WHAT THE HELL WILL I DO WITH MY 330 SCROLLS?

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On 2019-02-06 22:23:44Show this Author Only
  • God of Wind On 2019-02-06 21:55:55
  • I am even ready for recharge normal event

    But not spending 300$ for 6 frags wtf....

ive been waiting for 5 weeks

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On 2019-02-06 22:25:27Show this Author Only
  • DonCookie On 2019-02-06 20:25:37
  • try to play without 6p for once scrubs lmfao, with your ''oh again no naruto for cps'' garbage.

You're a straight up idiot. SOSP is the most overpowered ninja in the game by a vast margin, and they made it way too easy to get in the early days, but now you can't farm it at all. This is completely unfair to f2ps who didn't happen to have 20K saved up when he dropped.

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On 2019-02-06 22:26:53Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2017-11-23
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On 2019-02-06 22:31:24Show this Author Only

Sosp was spammed almost every week in the first 2 months so you are so funny crying about him .. he is the most braindead ninja to be ever released , already 70% of ppl have him wasting other ppl time in events when they use him .. better invest in power and substats rather in some stupd cancer ninja. I don't have him , I don't want him and will not even redeem him even if I get him on a free spin from a wheel or smth.

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On 2019-02-06 22:34:08Show this Author Only
  • God of Wind On 2019-02-06 21:54:32
  • You would be mad also, if f2p or low casher(monthly only)

    I was buying frags each time he was in events.. and missing few only and there tons of people missing less then few frags

    Then 2 months no naruto for frags and we all w8 it

    Ofc we all pissed

heya, i havent spent a single penny since i started playing this game 2 years ago...

... and hell, i agree with them, we need a break of naruto sosp, and he should be ingots ONLY atleast for a time. Because you feel like needing him doesnt mean everyone does, and it isnt something new that most people is growing tired of him, not because he is broken or OP as many people says, but because he is EVERYWHERE.

Also theres a lot of naruto 6p counters out there, whether you are able to pull them with your BP and if the person you want to beat is not that stronger than you, is other thing.

And no... you just can't counter naruto sosp with another naruto sosp, that just drags fights to 10 rounds, and at the end of the day, the one to win will the one with the strongest pos 1, which more likely wont be your average F2P or low spender.

This post was last edited by Nomiko on 2019-02-06 22:35:10.
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On 2019-02-06 22:36:28Show this Author Only
  • DonCookie On 2019-02-06 20:25:37
  • try to play without 6p for once scrubs lmfao, with your ''oh again no naruto for cps'' garbage.

"try to play without" dude, do you even know what you you are saying yourself? We've been playing without Naruto since the servers launched...I still need 28 frags to get him, and with the amount I have saved I can easily get him. Otherwise we wouldn't ask for him to be in events.
Gtfo, kid.

This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2019-02-06 22:36:58.
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On 2019-02-06 22:39:53Show this Author Only

Onoki skill breakthrough pleaseee!!!

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On 2019-02-06 22:42:40Show this Author Only

hmmm little *.

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On 2019-02-06 22:50:21Show this Author Only
GG Well Played !


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On 2019-02-06 22:51:01Show this Author Only
  • S863-AMD On 2019-02-06 20:27:38

Maybe it will be on lucky board,ya never know

Quicky Post

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