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[ News ] Server Merge Requests - Week of February 1st


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  • Registered: 2018-01-04
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On 2019-03-01 21:37:44Show All Posts

1.Server ID: S1044

2. Server Region: NY

3. Server Age: Estimated 6+ month

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: unsure i dont participate, but less than 10 people do it

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : unsure

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1, sometimes 2 (our group has missed lately due to leader quitting)

7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 99k, AVG top 10 : 81K, AVG Top 20 : 66k (ranks 4-10 are same person or two people/ rank 1 hasnt been on in a few weeks)

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This post was last edited by VeryBasic on 2019-03-02 09:10:01.
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