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[ Events ] Event Cycle - January 31st


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  • Registered: 2018-09-19
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On 2019-01-31 00:30:04Show All Posts
  • k0z0 On 2019-01-31 00:22:50
  • So, rather than come up with a fix for the epic boredom that is 6 paths... you tools keep letting the talent that Tencent poached from Joygames keep turning this garbage into One Piece 2. Before they grabbed those clowns they really should have taken a look at where that game went. You guys need a serious refresher on economic psychology. There is no lure in this game designed to keep anyone here anymore.

Abandon Ship, lets abandon this greedy company and incompetent admin/mod who payed with tons of coupons and play with other normal player.

Naruto Online MOBILE VERSION is out already, though its still china language. (I have make acc there to play it)

i hope the Global English Version will be release soon and we hope other kind rasional company will maintain and buy it instead of this GREEDY OASIS

Quicky Post

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