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[ Fanfiction ] Waves. (Midnight x Azure story)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-10 03:59:47Show All Posts

" he's not really into girls"


"she smiled again but just after he left room, she fell on knees, sighting loudly. 'What should I do with this...' she cried internally, feeling her heart still bumping wild from being so close to the boy she had such a hopeless crush on."

That's so deep. That's why I love romance

"'Sweetheart, just go and tell him that you like him. Then use the moment of impact, grab his shirt and kiss the soul out of him.' said Breeze, while carefully painting her nail pink."


You are reading in my mind

I guess I will have to put her on my Waifu Tier List

"'Trust me' continued blonde, focused on another nail. 'Boys don't get subtle signals and can't read between lines. You need to be open about it.'"

As the male representative I agree 100%

Girls, that should be useful: 5 secs

"She blinked and realized she is staring into beautiful blue eyes. Then blushed like a blossoming flower, feeling his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her tight, close to his body, as Midnight was balancing effortlessly on the edge of the roof, with concerned face locked on her."

That's how no male can describe that scene. You really have skills Tiami ;)

"Their moment of awkward silence got disturbed by a voice nearby.

'Oh, for Kage's sake, get a room, you two- everyone can see you up here.' Scarlet showed next to them, with a scroll in one hand, some unidentified snacks in other and rolling eyes on them."

D@mn you Scarlet



Ufff, that was awesome

I can't wait to see more

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-10 04:16:03Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2019-01-10 04:13:16
  • "WHAAT?"

    I got rid of element of jelousy

    "As the male representative I agree 100% "

    It must be working, no other way. That's how I "caught" mine xD

    "That's how no male can describe that scene. You really have skills Tiami ;)"

    Thank you I actually wanted to draw this scene too but, as always- not much of free time. But it's on The List ;D

    And yeah, Scarlet has talent to such interruptions but worry not as there will be part 2 :P

I hope in the part 2 Scarlet will not be included (Sorry Scarlet, that's your fault)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-10 06:07:24Show All Posts
  • e.m.c On 2019-01-10 06:03:57
  • Oh my, this is really cute xD

    and the "bridal carry" comment reminds me of that yes master clothing image, haha

" the "bridal carry" comment reminds me of that yes master clothing image, haha"


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