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[ Events ] Group Summon Chakra: Increase on Frags, maybe??


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
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On 2018-12-29 22:55:43Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello there,

I've been thinking about this a lot since we received the latest addition to the gold summons in the group base, and how we still have one more to go...

Does it seem fair that we ac*ulate the same amount of summon fragments as we started out with the serpent? I mean... With 3 summons at this point in time and running things on the difficult level, we should be making at least double (more IMO)? Just a thought, because this doesn't seem fair to smaller groups. Is this something that's overlooked, or something that will change? Just curious.



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