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[ Help ] Sasuke[Rinne Sharingan]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-14 06:51:09Show All Posts

He's not meant for our (most of us) current power level. As you said, he requires stats to do anything. You cant use him as move1 since he lacks damage and you cant use him as any other move because with current move1 centered meta he dies too fast. He might, just might become useful when your position 1 is almost maxed in terms of keys, refines and charms and you can start working on upgrading his equipments. So thats like 300k power? Way to go, maybe next year...

Tried several teams today with him and havent really found a lineup that I'd be satisfied with. Tried both move1 and move2. Move2 dies too fast in any case. My thoughts about move1 in team is that his boodthirsty passive is really unreliable. 1 it requires mystery, and 2 to kill. On top of that you have only 1 chance to proc it if you dont use itachi or earth main. While it gives you crit chance, your base dmg isnt that high. Because of that, if you happen to hit random line with dodger or simply dont crit and kill, you are screwed for 2 rounds. Chase is just regular chase, nothing special.

Building around his passive requires you to either run buff or immunity removal. Havent tried wind main with sand dust or red kushina yet, but 5kmadara decreases your potential dmg even more, although there are some sick chase combos you can make with 5k madara and anbu itachi. Passive chaoses a lot, but chakra drain wasnt all that noticeable tho (that perhaps depends on a team you are using and facing, if 20chakra at 1 point can make a game winning swing). Sadly, his kit is almsot useless against sosp naruto, whos going to omnipresent in time, if nothing better pops up.

I was testing different lineups vs sosp naruto team, managed to win only once so far. Need to test different mains and vs some minato teams to have a better overall look.

My first thought about possible upgrades that could help him is that he should have bloodthirsty effect on all the time, with mystery just increasing crit rate. This, or make any part of his kit (standard, mystery or even chase) undodgeable. While bloodthirsty part could actually make him godlike in some scenarios (pretty much kushimaru effect on wind mains), it would be rather balancing in general. Good thing is that there are no super armors with dodges, but on the other hand there arent many super armors in use at all (agk, madara, samehada). And you actually dont actually want to target those. In Konan's scenario, hitting without immunity supressing chase (or clearing flower guard beforehand) seems meh. Idk what to think, he has really cool looking transmog, chase and standard (especially standard), but his mystery has an awful quality. So far he seems worse than susanoo in def and dmg aspect, chakra drain isnt noticeable, chaos is random because of immunes everywhere, which is basically 20k cp wasted. Sometimes I hate that i like uchihas in the anime so much. But hey, at least i can send madara flying and cause people epilepsy.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-12-14 06:52:22.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-14 18:57:42Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-12-14 18:23:34
  • Basically never, since at this rate this feat will be never achieved by f2p or low cashers. The game will run out of business before.

It's definitely achievable given how many power features we got during last year. 2 years ago having 100k bp was nuts. Year ago it was 200k. Surprise, looking at our forum even one or more 'ftp' got there. ST bracket in uk s300-400 is like 150-280k already. If someone has 200k now, getting to 300 next year shouldnt be much of a problem, even without heavy spending. Keep in mind grocery shop gives a lot of free power items on daily basis and there are still some features to come and make gaining power even easier.

Whether game continues at that point is entirely different matter, they will have to find another way to get people to spend, since they are super close to CN with ninjas, so we will eventually get long avaited skill experiment.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-14 23:30:21Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-12-14 19:53:50
  • People that are at 200k power right now just more or less maxed out the basic level of the features you talk about and are on the high diminishing return tier on move 1 and move 2 on every single feature.

    Getting 250k vs being 200k is not at all the same thing as reaching 150k vs 100k.

    No, we won't get enough features next 10 months to let a low casher hit 300k (i consider low casher who spends less than 50$ per month) UNLESS they begin to apply real discounts on old features. You are way overvaluing what grocery store gives you after a certain point.

Im at 200 and nowhere near maxing out. lv8 charms, lv10 runes, 1x lv10 refine and others are lv7, mangatamas l7 and 9 more levels to get in treasured tool. Thats at least 20k+ worth of power before i max out. Sure, i hit those diminishing returns, but there are features like myoboku which are still fairly cheap (around 1 cave key rebate worth) that give you ~300 per tile. Costumes give me anywhere between 1-2k depending which one. And other positions are just way, way behind. Theres a lot of room to improve, but charms and refine take an awful long to do it as low casher. Refines and threads should really get some sort of discount, because 20k for 9>10 refine which gives 1k bp is highly inefficient nowadays. But getting 1.5k bp per week isnt as hard as you describe, even with those * diminishing returns.


Yeah, he's decent. But he isnt anywhere near as good as jonin or sosp and he's most definitely not worth his price in this meta. Been testing another 2 mains and teams for last 5h and results are just plain bad. He doesnt excel in anything, he depends on too many things (see my post above). Mediocre dmg on mystery, mediocre def, no undodgeable standards, no undodgeable mystery, unreliable passive because it triggers once 2 rounds and requires a kill as well, also you cant even set it up because of random line targetting. SA removal is good, although you hardly ever want to start combo immediately on SA ninja. Chakra drain is good. Standard dmg is good. Chaos is good as well, but not that favoured because of immunes.. Best thing about chaos proccing on opponent ninja attack is that it carries over to next round. He's just balanced in everything, but currently cant use him either as move1 or move2, because he doesnt excel in any of those roles, there are better ninjas that do the same (except aoe remove super armor) but better. He's a jack of all trades but master of none. If you get him for free in rng event when you dont have meta team, hes going to be good. But you may just as well use now kushimaru team for dmg, any 5k madara for chakra drain or water chaos bomb for chaos and be more successful. Kicked him out of the team, gonna revisit revisit next Christmas.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-12-14 23:32:24.
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