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On 2018-12-03 00:18:54Show All Posts

I remember back in the old days, and still to this day my answer hasnt been fully replied to it yet...explaining why is there 1 or 2 servers opening every week or so... last reply i got(this was 1 year half ago) "we are getting new players every week" and this was from a mod i dont remember who. And as i said before oasis got all the data, and info, just have to manage it right way, otherwise if you put a muppet doing it, things like communication with us(community), mods, GL, etc, just gets shattered and no one gets his point across, and we players suffer for it.

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On 2018-12-03 00:31:54Show All Posts

And yes, i get upset when the game deliver *ty events, that doesnt cater to the majority, i get upset when certain ninjas i want arent in the events(me being selfish *), yes i get upset when i know oasis coulda done alot better, but they're just wanna go the slacker way or the *my way, i get it, happens with 90% of the publishers who buy the rights to a game then do whatever they want or what's in the contract they make, one thing you need to realize (yes you community) not everyone is going to be a happy daisy, not everyone is going to be pleased with a week 1 of events, do i think this week's event are catered to me? hell no, it's catered to the minority of the heavy spenders or medium/low spenders, if they consider the deal is somehow worth spending, at the end of the day, try to avoid judging those who spend, who have money, it's their money they can do whatever they want, the consequences are theirs, just play and try to have fun.

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On 2018-12-03 15:30:51Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2018-12-03 08:16:18
  • Definitely a more active voice than the forums.

    But no, I'd say it's an above status since direct communication is involved.

More "active" meaning majority of the time it's spammers, memers and kekers? i can bet my money even LoL is less toxic and meme'ish than naruto online discord lol.

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On 2018-12-03 22:27:06Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2018-12-03 17:30:13
  • Honestly, it's surprisingly less toxic than you'd think as far as I've seen.

to some yes, to others not really.

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On 2018-12-03 22:33:57Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2018-12-03 16:18:08
  • Much better take then your previous one.

    And yes, I'd agree.


    Welcome to the universal online community that enjoys to Kek, Meme and spam.

    Also, that's quite the dangerous bet you would endure. Considering the sheer numbers LoL has. You would lose in a heartbeat.

yes, numbers, since it's a free to play game right, but i would still bet my money on it, there's only a handful of players in the forum that i actually respect considering their posts along the years, people that have been consistent over the time spent in this game, rest since it's online banther, i always assume the worst in a person, same can be applied to anyone about me, with that said, i assume most of the updates happen in discord(which i barely use outside of work related stuff), which is a shame, cuz u still got people that prefer to use the forums such as me, and mostly everyone else that choosen to use the forums over discord(cuz they cant or they wont).

P.S: You cant guarantee me that discord is toxic free btw. Prove me wrong.

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On 2018-12-04 22:03:02Show All Posts
  • JustSaying On 2018-12-04 21:47:25
  • Technically, when they were released, they were ingot only AKA they were exclusive(madara is still exclusive might change so)....well I know it is always few weeks or months exclusive(except for monthly card+jonin medal for some extent) ,but most people always cry when it is not redeemable for coupons from day 1(not saying they are right or anything wrong with what you guys doing).They always want to get the newly released items for free /using coupons just after the release. If you look at the trend, you will see that, most of the time when you introduce a ninja in a recharge/spending rebate ,f2p cry about not being redeemable for coupons;not agreeing with their entitled way of thinking ,but just stating the saltiness of the common player base.As you can see from the comments of this thread, some f2p expects to compete with

    Technically, most people got minato from saving coupons(except the people got him from wheel/free from mission general or other events) and common f2p can sure save 500-1000 coupons from current events right? As for ingots ,yes some are complete f2p but there exist a large number of fake f2p...even if they are real f2p, they might dishout small amount of ingots ...I mean if you can afford a PC and internet, you sure could afford 50-250 ingots(sure, if you are using another person's computer or a child, this is not the case)...trying to make people spend some money is good for the game...Just Saying.

    As for,if they want to implement these stuff depends on many factors I guess... coding + cost of changes and not wanting to make events too good; so, some f2p might start spending.So,I do understand the logic from your side.

what if i dont wanna recharge anymore, to a game that has not been completly transparent with their decisions(for 2 years yes...geez), i recharged yes back in the days in hope that my money was put to good investment and good choices for the future right? isnt that what a game is all about, giving them so u can enjoy the content later? and i feel at least me, that my money i invested in this game wasnt put to good use, lot of bad decisions were made, the "feedback" post was a absolute joke, since they already have their hands and feet tied by tencent's content of patches and such, that everything we said was for nothing, so when u recharge, are u really supporting this company, in a way yes, but u mainly doing it for to get power/ninjas whatever, from there it's your money, your call, no one has the right to judge you from there, but if you tell me "im going to go for a 3k ninja" i would call you insane, but you do what you gotta do, if you enjoy the game by spending so be it, in the grand scheme of things, majority of players that spend alot wether be weekly basis or monthly basis will eventually move on, if they feel their money is not worth the rewards they get. That's my opinion of it.

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On 2018-12-05 04:41:07Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2018-12-05 00:00:22
  • My outlook of the game is of a whale because regardless of my Moderation earning, I've spent quite a large number of my own money into the game.

    And of course, that's why there's a range of team that's suppose to provide different viewpoints of how players view spending on reports received.

    I'm only typing in this thread based on my experiences and my outlook of the game.


    ", since they already have their hands and feet tied by tencent's content of patches and such, that everything we said was for nothing"

    While I agree to a point, let me put it in this way, which is quite unpopular by the way.

    What if that Feedback post wasn't about if the content would arrive or not, but if it should come now or later?

    Which by the way, served its propose.


    Moderators only receive salary as compensation for the work we do.

    Watching videos and taking it as absolute facts and adding the assumption that it's "moderators"

    You have your truth, and there's absolutely nothing I can say to change that.

    There's not gonna be a discussion on that matter when it's entirely based on one viewpoint.

    If you want to discuss it openly, feel free to hop on discord.


    The double jab is a funny thing.

    Doing the exact thing you've said, would echo back to what this thread was open on.

    contradictory actions, and thus the salt would be unlimited

the content coming now or later, wouldnt made any difference, cuz people know what to expect if they're informed, alas, some might not come entirely due to the unpopularity of certain features, but that's the majority of the gaming community and how they react to overpowered features/items you name it, coming from china to the west, yes we tend to hate stuff especially when it's mobile or gacha games or baiting games, now the real question poses as "can oasis deliver a more equal oportunity to all playerbase?" i think you know my answer aka opinion on that, by the posts and replies i made in such a short notice to this post.

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On 2018-12-05 06:42:49Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2018-12-05 06:18:07
  • Unfortunately for you, its no longer undisclosed. Senbon released that info in his latest video. I'm certain you will either just ignore/delete this this post or attack his credibility (as you just did with the video of a Mod account getting *ed (which exposed the fact that they had a blatant unfair advantage while actively competing with REAL players), just as Oasis did with Aristeus, etc....via saying its one-sided while refusing to put up the other side of the argument). Every time something major like that has happened, it was suppressed via 1984 style and swept under the rug until people went back to sleep and forgot about it.

    Sorry, you don't get to use the, "It is just a one-sided account" while REFUSING to even bring YOUR SIDE (Oasis, not yours) to the table.

    List of things that were forgotten: (there are many more examples, but these stand out the most)

    Aristeus video disclosing the fact that he spun lucky stars wheel for max every single day and no jackpot.....coming to the conclusion that it was 0% drop rate.

    Ingot only wheel of fortune where people got screwed out of their respective jackpots on the coupons that they could earn (still videos out there of this on youtube). Turns out it glitched and people were spending ingots like crazy to stay on top, then Oasis fixed it and essentially reset the jackpot counts.....thus people spent $1000s and got nowhere near what they were promised.

    Flowers event (not once, but twice!! Unacceptable and people should have been fired for this) where people weren't properly told that this was a cross server event AND combined with the fact that the listings ONLY displayed their those that spend $300 to get top spot were sorely mistaken thus they lost money they never would have spent.

    The itachi susanno bug where people in yet ANOTHER flower event were able to get the jackpot prize immediately bu just simply placing first, but before the event actually ended. The reason why I mention this is because this is proof that OASIS HAS THE ABILITY TO ADJUST AND IMMEDIATELY FIX issues similar to this. Almost instantly when people were recruiting Itachi, they took it offline and reverted everyone that had gotten him. After all, he was (still is?) a 150k ninja or more if you were to buy the seal scrolls outright. Which brings me to the.....

    Foodsacks event where the majority of the people were able to benefit from cheaper ninjas/power (by over 50%) and dirt cheep redeems on Cloak/suit sakura/sasuke. All throughout the week, Oasis claimed they couldn't do anything to revert it back....essentially LIED saying it was always 20 coupons per sack (wrong, it was 10 since introduction) even though they literally hotfixed the price and adjusted it real time without taking the servers offline. If that wasn't enough, the people that actually did redeem for cheap purification runes lost out when they reverted the packs a very capped rate.

    Starting to see a pattern here when it comes to what Oasis is mostly concerned about......(Hint, it isn't satisfying OR protecting the players)

    While GLs get a 1500 bi-weekly salary, its amazing (and disheartening) to learn that the higher ups (included but not limited to mods gl hiring, etc) can make upwards of 16,000 coupons every two weeks (via doing extra "work" for Oasis). When you are given that for essentially little work AND combine that with the fact that you are essentially competing with people who play this game, that is pretty unfair. And please, don't compare this to someone getting a job and spending their real money on this game. It isn't the same, not by a long shot. People work 35 hours an average per week. 6-8 hours per day. They spend $100 for 5,000 ingots.....vs a couple hours a week for 8k coupons? Give me a break.

    I also am amused at your example of Oasis listening to players....when it comes to PAYING players....even though I'm almost certain that they never asked to be milked THIS hard just in time for Christmas. Better to get paid that to give to the players no doubt.

    What about skill experiments?

    What about RNG rates that by law you are supposed to provide now? (Don't give me the rhetoric of that is china, etc. because you certainly buckled when it came to sailor sakura and playboy sasuke)

    How about the mood scrolls in the Group Wheel?

    People's concern about releasing all the new ninjas every week?

    And most hilariously: What about peoples illusion of choice on CROSS SERVER SAGE WORLD? Remember when people were given a poll as to what they wanted....and they overwhelmingly were against it? I know you were there for that. But Oasis and friends went ahead and did it anyways.

    The point is, you (not you specifically, Oasis) DOES NOT LISTEN to their community the majority of the time. I believe it is safe to say that 15% of the time they listen....14% of the time its for the spenders and 1% of the time its for everyone else. You can be slick and say, "Well on our discord they say blah blah blah ad nausem..." but this is supposed to be the OFFICIAL FORUMS of this game.....and you are opening saying that opinions here have less weight vs discord? Why even bother asking us for feedback on here then? Why post ANY content here?

    You can (and will) defend Oasis until this game closes, that is because you have a vested interested in this game in the thousands of coupons they give you per month. That alone is enough to skew anyone's view and ultimately become biased (there are many ways that bias can take form, simply because you [specifically] aren't displaying it in one form doesn't mean you are in other aspects).

    The only reason why they pay you in coupons and not in real money is to cir*vent the law that would force you to admit that you are paid by the company every time you give an opinion. That and hiring literal minors to do work. Can't really call yourself an employee or representative if you never signed a contract or anything of the sort.

    Final thought.....why is it that everyone who seems to "work" for Oasis and then leave, they are always 'jaded' or frustrated? Just strange, is all....

This^ and many reasons i lost faith in Oasis overall, including mods(even thou some are trying to do good, while others are just there for the paycheck tbh).

Besides when a mod comes out and says "alot more voice in discord than here" just dont post anything here then, regarding news, events, merges, whatever, might aswell delete the whole forum, if you're counting the majority voice on discord ( which is OMEGALUL to me), not everyone wants or has discord, particular in my case that i barely use discord anyway besides work related stuff.

This post was last edited by UchihaShay on 2018-12-05 06:45:10.
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On 2018-12-05 20:28:38Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2018-12-05 14:52:53
  • Yep, it was only a matter of time until you ducked out. I get it though, easier to deflect and then skip out when it gets serious or tough. You can display the "tough guy" act all you want, but you are supposed to be a representing the ones that are paying you at all times. Your attitude is clearly a reflection of this company: We can do what we want, and there is nothing you can do about it. Its just not directly said.....but someone once told me that the attitude of this company really just four words:

    "F*k you, pay me."

    I must say, he is accurate to say the least. I would say I am disappointed by you taking the easy way out....but then that would probably be a step up of reality of what you, and the company deserve.

i tried that approach once, or twice, and end up with my post being deleted, cuz truth hurts most of the times, and i know what you said, they have no comeback, cuz it's true, it's a fact, and how many issues were actually adressed my the majority of the players, but almost none was taken into account, but taken into account this event, he happily replies as to "whales are pretty much happy with these events, but they prefer to pay a bit less for it" as far as i can remember no mod as ever gave us feedback on our problems, some minor issues regarding rewards such as kid kakashi, etc. But in the end, this is what a publisher coming to the west with these types of games does...they try to milk as much as possible the people with money, and no care at all(even if they do, it's prolly outta convenience).

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On 2018-12-06 04:21:41Show All Posts

That group shop update really made me smile (and maybe giggle a bit).

Jokes aside, tldr, it's gonna be a hell month for people that play without spending, all i can say is, brace yourselves folks.

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On 2018-12-06 21:07:40Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-12-06 20:54:22
  • Adding kakashi shonen in the place of konan or Jigokudo, that are redeemable at a lower price than in group shop in ninja collection, was, imho, the best way to solve the issue without unlocking the scroll with him in.

    Putting him in great plates was a bad move because compelled you in using coupons to get something that was supposed to be free (was not sure at all that with the 140 free rolls you managed to recruit him) while, at the same time, removed some other potential good things you could gain from it. The result was that one event the community really loved became only 'decent'.

    It's the same exact thing that happened with shinobi feast. You removed the sure 100 coupons gained on the first roll and from being the best event for recharging for low cashers became a relatively bad recharging event for whales only.

    That said, while may be true monthly event can't be changed I'm pretty sure the pack in the shop that grants monthly points for the event may be easy modified by oasis for the secondary rewards. I talk about them because literally none has ever bought one of those packs, if not blatantly by mistake, since 1.0 onwards.

    Changing it to grant 10 mood scrolls + 2 fragments of kakashi shonen for 1 coupon, adding a limitation to max 40 packs purchasable in lifetime would have solved both the issue of the missing ninja and of the broken promise of the group wheel.

    Why was not done something like this?

    I wait your reply.

funny thing is, we the community give u solutions to ur problems, when you completely just shut us down in the game, through events most of the times, again our feedback from the majority (we community ofc) is never touched or event being reported, as tobei reported to us the heavy spenders feedback, kinda shame really.

TLDR we provide solutions, Oasis never cares for them.

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On 2018-12-07 04:42:20Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2018-12-06 22:06:15
  • Once again, I'm only gonna reply this time. It's impossible for me to have a civil discourse without having ill merit replies that completely derail the conversation.


    Mood Scrolls, as even a 2x in Great Plates has been something I've personally pushed before, hasn't happened.

    Next core meeting, I'll do it again because frankly, that's something everyone wants.

    And no, I will not answer the additional question you added because that's not for me say nor for people to misconstrue.

    I've openly answered quite a lot, truthfully in this thread and already people twisted a few of my words.


    And here's an example of that.

    Let me illustrate,

    "And of course, that's why there's a range of team that's suppose to provide different viewpoints of how players view spending on reports received."

    I'm only typing in this thread based on my experiences and my outlook of the game."

    Each staff members focuses on their respective reports, we address and voice our suggestions, so-on.

    You don't have to believe anything I'm saying, but I'll state the core obviously.

    I see a lot on Discord and on the Forums, as I agree with some

    But because I disagree with others, doesn't mean I'm not listening.

    The staff (moderators) are Y'all. If they don't listen to the players, then our jobs are useless.

    You're not the only voice of the community, there's a multitude of people who express different opinions, and thus allow us to have a dialog within the staff to best course release content. But that's not all. Oasis gets that and pushes upwards, and from there it's a hierarchy of issues with Tencent, and what their vision for certain updates, etc.

    If you still refuse to see it in that aspect, then there's absolutely nothing I can help you with.



funny thing is, some mods and even daiske came forth and said one day.... "we are our own version of the game" which to me i take it like, you dont have to answer absolutely nothing to Tencent, you just get their patch and from there it's Oasis making decisions simply putting, what he stand and said was half true, meaning it's was bs from the beginning, you have jurisdiction till a point, when u hit that wall, it falls under tencent to give the yes or no, which till this day, you still are being stonewalled by a company in terms of the chain of command, to which i ask... Why are we are own version, if we still getting orders from tencent? Would be wise to say the whole sha* and stop bs'ing people, i have more respect for those who tell it how it is, than being bs it on, that's my only beef with this whole thing.

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On 2018-12-07 09:34:28Show All Posts
  • King Explosion On 2018-12-07 09:25:00
  • As someone that read this entire thread. I have to say the OP has a good point with the picture.

    and UchihaShay is prob the biggest dunce on this thread. Tobei outright says his words will be misconstrued and used you as an example.

    You come back by proving his point.

    It's like you don't read. And when you do read, you cherry pick and decide what the meaning of words is loooooooooool

    I actually feel bad for some of the moderators, the ones that actually give a * about you guys, because some of you don't deserve jack.

that's cute, did u come out of naruto online discord to talk to me? i feel honored, deducting by you "1 post" am i belittling you? take it with a grain of salt, and, am i wrong to say what i said? are people salty cuz they're mistreated from the management team? yes. Now are the forums toxic? Yes, in case you didnt know, im not here to coddle you or throw sand in ur eyes, i say it how it is, i dont bs dude, i never done it, and never will, call me salty, maybe i am, but in the end, you know i only say facts.

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On 2018-12-07 09:51:39Show All Posts
  • King Explosion On 2018-12-07 09:46:24
  • 100% from Discord

    But how is that relevant from what I said?

    I outright said you don't read. and when you do, you cherry pick and twist meanings.

    And since you clearly are so vocal in thinking your thought process is functioning at a high grade.

    I bomb Tobei on discord when * happens, discussions/arguments happen but understanding comes out of it.

    a Conversation is only good if both parties are willing to listen. But you? You're a special case, no answer would justify itself for you.
    "I only speak facts" looooool

    Oh and one more thing, I only use the forums for event links, and to enjoy threads like this.

    Extremely cute

Please enlighten me...which words have i twisted? Tobei's? All i deduct from what he said was "we still have to answer to tencent on certain aspects of the game" meanwhile dodging some serious questions and legit at that, it's nothing that bad, but if he doesnt know or not allowed to answer, then why not say it, but dont worry i intepreted his dodging as that.

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On 2018-12-08 22:41:29Show All Posts

Here's my viewpoint on Oasis's good in short term, bad in long term(unless their being financed by outside sources). either way yes, the best option if ur not enjoying this game, is to quit, i had my share of disagreements with how this company runs the show, but hey, it's their show they run how they see fit, cuz at the end of the day, u dont have to follow anyone's can do whatever the * you wanna do.

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On 2018-12-09 00:28:52Show All Posts
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-12-08 23:55:40
  • I won't ever understand people who say "if you don't like it, just quit". So now we can't even give feedback and hope to improve the game? I understand that nobody likes to listen to whiners and salty people, but there are people in this thread (and in these forums in general) that raise valid questions and complains.

Im going to give u a harsh truth, and this happens in most publishers / developers that are corporate companies nowadays....

Does your feedback / solution gives them money in short term? No, then it's most of the time ignored by the higher ups, even if some of the mods actually agree and present ur idea to the table, look good on paper, but it's not a practical solution to give them money.

Reality of it all, there's been actually really good ideas on how to improve the game, on certain features, and i give the benefit of the doubt that some mods are bringing this up to their meetings with devs or even some tencent people, however, it's up to tencent in the end to give the yes or no decision, so yes, it's a symbiotic relationship between Oasis/Tencent, cuz im fairly sure tencent has something to gain when Oasis has it too(just a hunch, but i could be wrong).

Quicky Post

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