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The strength of a f2p


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On 2018-11-23 14:28:22Show All PostsDescending Order
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Finally after more than 2 years of playing I was able to become the strongest player in my server without spending money



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On 2018-11-23 20:30:14Show All Posts
  • vr00z On 2018-11-23 20:25:22
  • yeah its not possible to hit that power for 2 years but i'm curious about the others (rank 2/3), r they f2p too?

    if not, whats the point they spent their money if f2p like him can be rank

They spend on ninja mostly .

This post was last edited by sahiku on 2018-11-23 20:35:50.
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On 2018-11-23 20:33:20Show All Posts
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-11-23 14:48:31
  • No way to verify, if you are legit f2p, without seeing the jonin medal menu. Also you minimized the menu which show if the daily recharge is still avilable.


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On 2018-11-23 20:54:42Show All Posts
  • m7u On 2018-11-23 15:06:56
  • 100% non f2p. show us gaara + upgrade ball recharge then


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On 2018-11-23 20:58:25Show All Posts
  • CHROLLOLUCILFER On 2018-11-23 20:07:25
  • Its good to see a senpai almost at 200k' xD If you have 2 years of playing its 100% possible to arrive at such a power and get amazing ninjas...When you get too strong the people wont believe you are a f2p senpai sooo they will start calling you P2W and stuff while in my case when they call me like that it really feels good Well in my case i have 1 year of playing im currently 100k or so while i have level freezed as well to make my life easier

Yeah they always call me p2w lol especially when I have both power and SR ninja (kurama naruto)

I don't like that tbh

Keep trying and u will beat this p2ws soon :p

This post was last edited by sahiku on 2018-11-23 21:05:08.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-23 21:00:21Show All Posts
  • vr00z On 2018-11-23 20:25:22
  • yeah its not possible to hit that power for 2 years but i'm curious about the others (rank 2/3), r they f2p too?

    if not, whats the point they spent their money if f2p like him can be rank

I don't think I will stay the strongest for a long time cuz cededra is a big spender. He did all that power in less then a year

This week have a good recharge and spending rebate so he will take advantage !!

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On 2018-11-23 21:07:43Show All Posts
  • JustSaying On 2018-11-23 16:52:33
  • U can recharge and have gaara and recharge ball thing. Someone already showed it in another f2p brag thread. Really don't get what is so great bragging about f2p and high most cases these people have a whale carrying them in events or part of a strongest group or are GLs so....and isn't it better when more people spending money?more money for the company plus low prices good servers ,good programmers, etc.

    Also power means very little in this game, stacked position 1 can beat a spread life with 50k more power :P

    From the developers perspective, this thread is like... hm f2p have it good.Let's nerf some stuff and increase prices. :V

Its impossible to recharge without claiming the first recharge rewards !! Maybe it was a bug !!

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On 2018-11-23 22:26:24Show All Posts
  • Jambo On 2018-11-23 21:43:35
  • Congrats on becoming the strongest player in your server! I know how you feel when people who called you ptw and doesn't believe you are f2p. I am f2p too (184k here from s12) and recently reclaimed my 1st place once again! So just ignore those people who called you ptw cuz I want you to enjoy your celebration!

Thnx :D

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On 2018-11-23 22:34:28Show All Posts
  • IchimaruzOr On 2018-11-23 22:20:57
  • Getting 200k as f2p is completely possible if you invest as badly as OP does, especially if you're from an older server..

    His/her power is that high because of spreading every power function onto all 4 positions, which is not the way to show off "strength". Most of the free players that are good, and that stack position 1 and 2 are currently at 160-200k, unless they're a GL and have a different spending income.

    In conclusion, numbers are cool and all, but what will your 190k do when you get one shot by a free player from s400 with 160k bp, that learned how to invest for actual strength?

Am using LM. Bee. Kurama naruto and kushina.

It's true that that all my position r equal but they r important too cuz I need all of them in battle and when I lose one I lose all the battle

I don't need putting everything in 1st pos. It will not change too much cuz my stats r high enough to beat who r stronger than me so no way that someone with 160k will defeat me

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On 2018-11-24 14:02:46Show All Posts
  • sinoaburai On 2018-11-24 00:32:06
  • nice nice,gz man,f2p powah.

    lol nobodys going to beleive that u are f2p in game,whats your pos1 ini btw?

Thnx :)

My pos1 ini is 9.9k

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On 2018-11-24 14:14:34Show All Posts
  • SSirus On 2018-11-24 09:27:44
  • Yeah.... no, Either you purposely took the screenshot while it wasn't finished loading or editing out, but below is what it actually looks like. Someone made the point that you can still have this screen by recharging and that is partially true. While you still have access to this screen if you recharge under 5 times, the sentence "Recharge 50 ingots per day for 5 days..." will change to "Recharge 50 ingots per day for (5 - # of recharges) days"


    Correct me if I'm missing something but this is just what I noticed

Sorry. I didn't pay attention to picture when I screenshoted it. I didn't made that in purpose !!

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On 2018-11-24 17:37:32Show All Posts
  • vr00z On 2018-11-24 16:01:39
  • wait..what? u sure only 9.9k? my alt acc 141k BP / 11.8k ini. i think u mean pos 2

Yeah. It is .

Cuz i don't put all runes in 1. Pos and that's fine by me

I don't have any problem with it

Even arena I can reach six paths fast. I do face some players who r faster than me but I faced more who r slower !!

Edit: currently all my rune stunes r lvl 8 and it's getting harder to lvl them up so no use to make pos1 lvl 10 and pos2,3,4 lvl 5 or 6 in my opinion other pos needs initiative too

This post was last edited by sahiku on 2018-11-24 20:25:12.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-25 17:46:17Show All Posts
  • SSirus On 2018-11-24 09:27:44
  • Yeah.... no, Either you purposely took the screenshot while it wasn't finished loading or editing out, but below is what it actually looks like. Someone made the point that you can still have this screen by recharging and that is partially true. While you still have access to this screen if you recharge under 5 times, the sentence "Recharge 50 ingots per day for 5 days..." will change to "Recharge 50 ingots per day for (5 - # of recharges) days"


    Correct me if I'm missing something but this is just what I noticed

Sans titre

This post was last edited by sahiku on 2018-11-25 17:55:40.
Quicky Post

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