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[ Events ] Where are we going?


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-11-08 19:51:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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I will try to be the most polite possible and try to fullfill all the forum rules, hoping this doesn't get deleted.

Lately we got a bunch of good things for f2p that actually let them reach with ease the moon and sun scroll weekly cap, we got the red inner gates runes in the shop, an increase in the number of things we can sell in spacetime shop and today the level 221-260 ninja exams.

Somebody may say the situation is better than in the past, but how is that even by looking at it under the most positive light i feel like is not so at all and that, in comparison with 1 year ago, now there is the same gap it used to be there between top whales and f2p but between common whales and low cashers?

Where is actually this game going to?

Just hope to hear the opinions of the other players.

Quicky Post

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