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Getting strange stones, without gaining exp.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-06 10:45:53Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-11-06 00:39:43
  • Honestly, i don't understand why you guys continue to support the level freezing policy. It's counterproductive business-wise and is counterproductive game-wise and competition-wise. That you tolerate it is fine, but that you actively give tips and suggestion about it is not, imho.

If you are f2p and lvl freezing in 5.0 you are losing a lot of power. LVL freezing is only effective for at least medium spenders now(in best case scenario, even that i am not sure;ideally for heavy spenders that are lazy to fight for long and just want to one shot people). Also being 10 lvls lower can give you a 20-30k power handicap,them base stats,cultivation etc. f2p winning top 3 in sage and winning 5 fights in matsuri(lvl doesn't matter here) by lvl freezing is a unicorn .

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-06 10:56:04.
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On 2018-11-06 11:22:51Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-11-06 11:10:11
  • Keep in mind, there are extremes of not doing lvl freezing such as some people decide to level too fast and hopefully you aren't suggest that is a better choice than leveling freezing. If you level too fast especially on a new server, then you will be behind in the long run and eventually be stuck in the higher bracket of sage. I'm sure the sage brackets in all servers will eventually be identical with two brackets. A third bracket would have appeared in some time but due to a declining server population that every server expects to happen causes the bracket to disappear.

    Putting power first before leveling is the main idea but you don't have to restrict exp compared to someone who stopped entirely. If you need to level to access a feature, go for it. However, give some time to increase your power before you level to the next feature. During this time, lucky board and missions should be your only focus rather than going for RNG ninjas. Finding that balance is what players should go after.

You are right,I should have been more clear and some solid advice there. :)

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-06 11:24:31.
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On 2018-11-06 19:51:46Show All Posts
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-11-06 17:56:54
  • I have to disagree. As a f2p level freezer I can get 5 wins in matsuri 80% of the time. Also I can get top 1 in my SWB sometimes and often I'm in top 3. I don't think I lose many power items by freezing, since I can max sun scrolls and with the new arena I can max moon coins too. I can still keep up with the other f2p from my server just fine. The only real downside is being unable to do nine tails or ninja exam, but imo the benefits from freezing outweighs the sacrifices. Not saying that it can work for everybody, but it sure can work for some.

By f2p i mean completely f2p no monthly card or froggie.IF you are that then good for you. Have to say that is pretty rare , not even some spenders(in my cluster) can max their sun+moons.Occasional 5 wins and sometimes 1st place is meh tho.I wouldn't personally freeze if i can't get top 2 and 5 wins every time.Each according to their own I guess.As for our sage, we got 3 -5 whales who are space time top 10 and lvl can vary from 93-70 or less.So no strict lvl, enough people good sage, not enough people bad sage.Yes, there are some players in high lvl sage with 90k power(have seen 48k power legit) and sadly they get destroyed by 200k+.

On side note:no need to hate on lvl freezers,no one forcing you to lvl up or freeze.There are some grifers with high power so kind of understandable.

Also, befriend a strong player and do bonds with him/her; so you could max your sun coins easily thus get more strange stones.

My $0.02, feel free to disagree.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-06 20:22:43.
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On 2018-11-06 20:23:17Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-11-06 20:03:48
  • It really depends what server you are placed in. I'm able to get top 3 (usually 1st place) if I get pushed back to the lower bracket and typically at top 4-6 in the top bracket (which I'm fine with since I'll get more items if I didn't try at all). I have to try to target the weaker players in the top bracket while avoiding the whales and in the lower bracket, I don't have to have to try as much to get into top4. If I am placed in brackets a little more balanced, then I would not be able to get a score that can place me in top4-6. If there are less whales especially the top ones in your region in your cross server bracket, you're more likely to rank high but you better know what you are doing.

    There's a lot of factors such as who shows up since I don't see all the players that can beat me all the time. Anyways, OP got his answers. No need for people who have opinions about level freezing taking over his post.


This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-06 20:23:36.
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On 2018-11-07 12:14:02Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-07 07:17:11
  • What i know is that Crofighter and Gashi (two huge whales for who doesn't know it, since i talked about ICEx bracket) are still under level 95 and ICEx too is (indeed a good example for the other players...).

    So, evidently, the rewards given in level 103+ fields in comparison with level 95 or under are not good enough for them to think to level up.

    Is this good, in your opinion, business-wise?

Maybe they are just lazy to do long fights that why? No one is stopping other people in Gashi's field spending a lot of money and competing with him ? As for fair, they did spend a lot of money to get to that point so it is fair.They won't hardly break even for couple of years and they will miss rewards from some daily and monthly events.At the end of the day, f2p or small/medium spenders won't be able to compete with heavy spenders and they shouldn't be able to;if that was the case, they won't spend or quit.Nerfing their ninjas ,rebates or events just make them stop spending quitting or worse.Hey, if there is no reward for spending, who would spend?it is like throwing money into fire.

This is similar to real life, a person working in accounting job couldn't compete with a ceo making 10k day on his fashion sense; CEO doing 100k watch every month while account can maybe get 1 watch every 5 years. Pure communism doesn't work, that's why even traditional communist countries embrace some aspects of capitalism,mainly open markets to create competition.

Tip:Zenith is totally fair event for people who is asking for fair ones. So, by working hard and winning zenith you could somewhat makeup for you don't get in matsuri,sage,space time or cross server gnw.

Also power can be manipulated quite easily in this game:stacking pos 1,removing items from other positions lvl 1 ninjas as support .To combat such mechanics, they have to program large number of logical checks and each logic check takes a lot of resources.To run that many logic checks on thousands of players in a cluster within few minutes(hey u can register for sage 20 sec before it starts so) they need to spend significant amount of money on servers(we are talking about completely replacing the servers).This will cost couple of millions of dollars and who are going to pay for it ? spenders getting their events nerfed? investors who want best * for their buck? That's why they invented grocery store and sun/moon coins to encourage participation.With new system, people could buy what they want instead of being limited by what is given by the game.Let's not forget oasis is the publisher and tencent has already made the game mechanics like matchmaking.Oasis has very small amount of bargaining power when it comes to game mechanics... hey they couldn't stop cross server thing so....

Snip:f2p having the same benefits as whales should not happen and will not happen.If it was the case, this game won't exist...servers aren't free,staff isn't free and exclusive copyright isn't free.There are some games where only paying benefit is getting a fancy costume(pure cosmetic), but this is't this game and it will not.Moderators only have a limited power and these decisions are made by the company.They will not implement such a drastic change making their paying players and investors unhappy.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-07 13:31:59.
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On 2018-11-07 18:31:54Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-07 17:27:35
  • If you want to give an advantage for level freezing, then that advantage should strictly go to f2p and to casual players so that, maybe, some of them begins to spend a little bit.

    If you give that advantage to whales then you are literally only losing the money they are not spending for the rewards they are getting with no effort.

    None, literally none, stays f2p for 2 years and then magically comes out of the magician hat spending 20000$ to compete with somebody like Crofighter, while, instead, is very possible that a f2p that is always 2nd maybe begins to buy the monthly cards and jonin medal to be 1st in a lower level field.

    Oasis goal should be to let whales face each other relatively often and to lure high power f2p in beginning to spend a low amount of money, by not discouraging this level freezing policy they are reaching nor the first neither the second goal.

    That's why i said somebody like crofighter and gashi at least 1 swb every 2/3 should go directly to the top field regardless their level, because they should not have the sureness they won't be projected there if they go on level freezing.

    P.S. "This is similar to real life, a person working in accounting job couldn't compete with a ceo making 10k day on his fashion sense; CEO doing 100k watch every month while account can maybe get 1 watch every 5 years." you said, but without the taste of fashion (skill) and without the effort to ask for a tip to somebody that knows about that matter in depth that CEO would always be less attractive, at first sight, than the salary man that has the taste and that chose the right watch even if once in 5 years. Here, instead, happens the opposite, if we have to take for good your example.

    P.P.S: about game core mechanics you are right they can't modify anything significant, but nothing stops them from adding to every ingots only feature also a ton of unavoidable exp. Since, in their perspective, they can claim that also exp, theoretically, is an advantage (because it is power wise and secondary stats wise).

    I wonder who stops cashing for real if this is implemented. And about x-server you are wrong, they could delay it as long as they wanted. They just didn't want to do and honestly would be suicidal to do it without massive server merges.

Few happy f2p vs few happy whales each spending 20k+every month(or every week) on ninjas or 5 staring them. Easy choice u know?

Putting them in high sage won't make much of a difference because a person who can only spend 20k ingots every month won't spend because he is in a field with bottomless pit of money spending 50k ingots each month(or week).Spenders were against cross server events so you think they be happy about bumping their sage brackets in cross server?I saw 3 heavy spenders in my server(at least 50k each month) quitting after they implementing cross server events+ nerfing crazy slots.You touch sage and spenders will quit like flies.

Businesses give advantages to paying customers not to non paying customers,because they see they get a rebate and they are more inclined to spend.When would you spend more on games? when it is discounted on black friday or full price days? People like rebate and less rebates mean,less happy people plus less profits.People are getting burned out from spending and quitting, sp messing with sage/matsuri wouldn't help.

There is no reason to carter toward f2p or low spenders and make bunch of high spenders unhappy.Like I said before,businesses are mainly concerned about making money and keeping their investors happy.So anything upset their profits(heavy spenders) will not be tolerated? Think like this, so you want to spend more money to implement a system to make spenders unhappy and make them leave thus less profit? Who would want to spend money to lose money?

There are already systems in place to encourage getting xp and enough rebate for f2p(grocery store,monthly events,weekly events).If you find that is not enough, you are free to spend.If not, don't expect too much.Just because a casino gave a lambo to a high roller doesn't mean a person playing $2 slots should get a lambo for playing for 2 years......and no f2p/low spenders and medium spenders should not be able to have same rewards as whales or should have similar power.Then no reason to be a heavy spender?

A food store won't poison a customers tea because they want to make more money by selling his antidote.Why?because ,such tactics will be bad for company images and less profitable in long run.

You have to realize,this is not China where games are regulated...if spenders don't get a good deal they will quit and play another game or find a new hobby.Also, if a heavy spender stopped spending a medium spender can catch up to him and a medium spender stopped spending a small spender can catch up to him .Same if they don't do any events. So there is enough competition.

So far your arguments have been :people should be punished for spending a lot simply because some people can't spend or only spend less. A business would chuck a such argument towards jealousy just saying....

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-07 20:40:48.
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On 2018-11-07 22:30:55Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-07 21:10:32
  • The choices were two: adding x-server features or make massive merges of servers (50+ servers in a row) because there were too many dead servers.

    They chose to implement the xserver instead of massive merges for two reasons: better stability of the machines and to not let f2p quit.

    If they made the massive merges f2p would have quitted in mass because they were no more able to get a convoy delivered without being plundered 9 times, no more able to get their 99% granted weekly pack in gnw and also pestered by frequent crashes of servers with 500+ people in it.

    The game works because there are 5% whales, 25% of low cashers and 70% of f2p and while the first choice made quit a bunch of whales the second choice would have made quit all the whales because would have made quit all the f2p.

    P.S. I never said people should be punished for spending, i just said that you should be punished for taking advantage of a feature that was not implemented to give you benefits. Fyi, my pal, if you have 270 people at level 105 you actually have 3 swb level 105 fields, where the whales are perfectly spreaded, is now that in many clusters there is only 1 level 105 field and whales are not spreaded and this is a consequence of people level freezing.

Well the server was quite active so not sure what do you mean by dead? even active servers had no choice with cross events so....was perfectly reasonable to have a sage within their own server.Well they could have merged servers and made people only be able to plunder people from their own or just connect to cross server sage when not enough to start sage?made plunder not lose coupons,give coupons for being high power, they could have,would have should have many possibilities...just was saying anything that has an effect on lessing rewards for spenders will cause spenders to quit or worse

So, think about such disgruntled spender getting another change to his ever diminishing advantage(look at how fast events getting nerfed; ever increasing recharge and spending limits,rng,etc).Let's not mention how they giving 20-40k ninjas which they paid to get an advantage, for free or in rng wheels for coupons .Another change is another nail in coffin for this game.Do you think even whales will take any more of this?Not all whales are born with money ,some have to work really long hours and some take loans(credit card no jutsu).It is all about value for money.Less value=less reason to spend or play.

Also you are forgetting medium spenders :people getting froggie. There are many opportunities for f2p in this game compared to others.In this game, with time, u can get almost everything free(after saving coupons and waiting even u have to wait for 5 years).In most other games u never get p2w items ever.Look at how fast we are getting ninjas?what do u think?too many spenders or it is because they are not making enough money; so want to make money from 1% of the population to make up for it?

Most of lvl freezers are small or medium spenders doing it to stay away from walking banks....and some heavy spenders there to stop them from getting top places(they also can't compete with walking banks).You put them in high sage they either quit or stop charging.Which leaves only whales and f2p.Then you have a sage like in china where 300k stomping on 40-70k.

Spreadness is entirely depended on cluster.I assure you, our top and bottom sages are about 30% split between heavy spenders, medium+small spenders and f2p.

How do you know it was not intended to give you a benefit?you saying spenders or some f2p had no benefit when it was only their own server's sage?high sage got more rewards.So maybe, developers made it this way? At the end of the day no one forced anyone to lvl up or not.

Also, a small/medium and some heavy spender have a disadvantage when facing a strong f2p from an old server .Traditionally, people from new servers were not meant to fight with people from old servers.Therefore,f2p from old servers should not kill spenders from new servers?After all,spenders were traditionally meant to have an advantage.Maybe, it is morally not acceptable to win a fight against anyone from a new server.Just a thought to ponder.....

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-07 23:40:58.
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