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[ Events ] Event Cycle - 1st November


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  • Registered: 2017-10-12
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On 2018-11-01 20:45:31Show All Posts
  • random1 On 2018-11-01 20:08:31
  • 3 vs 3 arena hey. seems its just going to be like d bond. with the difference being your a team of 3 not 2. so I guess lower level players and people with low bp wont really have much of a chance of winning even if they do manage to get to team up with strong players. Still going to have opponents that are either highest level in the game or level 80-90's with op bp. As well as possible on rare occasions 1 or 2 opps that are level 70-80 but dont seem to barely lose life even when their bp isnt really as high as your team. I have found that these people rarely lose much health and usually actually do better then team mates with higher level and bp. something dont seem right about this. I dont really want to say they are cheating or anything but I cant figure out how this can happen

    You do realize that this 3v3 arena thing is just going to be like db where the strongest players are only going to want to team up with each others and those that are level 90 and below wont have anybody except each other to team up with. Which isnt going to be much use because they are most likely going to have to face opps that are around level 100 and those with about 150k+ bp

    Its a nice effort to introduce a feature like this into the game and I like you have tried to make game more interesting however expect this to fail to an extent

no its not like this

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