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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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  • Registered: 2018-09-23
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On 2018-10-05 00:16:24Show All Posts

15 Sai Suit fragments for sure! You continually "frag" your player base and make it harder for them to play the game. You put in an OP character and only those that started on day 1 got him, as if they didn't have enough of an edge already. I mean for gods sake you should aim for players to want to join the game, even later in the game, not frag them over. In exchange I offer you all the Zaku fragments i get this month, so you can give him to someone else for free. If you can find someone that doesn't find that insulting.

Ps, Sakura's gift doesn't work on S1052. She is just giving out an error and we don't have a Charm Rebate active.

Quicky Post

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