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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-05 02:56:38Show All Posts

The best compensation you can give us is to actually put the Sakura event back to the way it was; food sacks for 10 coupons. That event has been like that for a long time now. It's not just Madara, EVERYTHING is now doubled the price. If you want to truly leave food sacks at 20 coupons then make it like lucky board and mission mobilization, spending 20 coupons for dices and mission boxes gives you something in return along with the points, but food sacks gives nothing and for the same price? Not fair and not a good bargain if you ask me. Either make it 10 coupons again or remove the event entirely. Again, FALSE ADVERTI*T on OG part.

PS. You'd better bring back the special ninja pouch on Wednesday like you're promising or a lot of players will quit this game for good.

Quicky Post

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