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[ Player Guide ] Upcoming: Main-Characters Skill Breakthroughs


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-25 03:21:15Show All PostsDescending Order
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Which of those are best to learn first?

You can check it in my newest topic:

Azure Fang:

Bez názvu

Stormy poisoned mist

Deals pure Water and Lightning damage to entire enemy team causes poison and paralysis for 1 round

Battle Cooldown : 0 Rounds

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: Poison, Paralysis

Chakra: 20

Bez názvu

Water Style - Super Chidori Shark Bomb

Deals Lightning damage and Paralysis up to 4 enemy units and absorb all chakra. The selected enemy will suffer from knockdown. This skill has Critical and Injury buff.

Battle Cooldown : 1 Rounds

Cooldown: 2 round

Cause: Paralysis, Knockdown

Chakra: 40

Bez názvu

Healing Jutsu

Heals 1 team member with the lowest health and removes all Debuffs. There is a chance of healing 2 team members. This skill increases healing by 25%

Bez názvu

Electrifying lash

Attack the opponent's front row and has a chance of 3 COMBO also deals Acupuncture and Knockdown. This skill ignore some Resistance and Defense.

Cause: Knockdown,Acupuncture


Elemental Healing Tips

Increases Healing effects to all units in your Lineup by 50% (Can be overlapped with other unit's healing skills)


Elemental Experimental Ninjutsu

Before the first action in every round, causes damage to oneself (Ninjuts damage). After causing

damage to oneself, increases this unit's Critical Rate by 5%, Ninjutsu by 10% and decreases mystery cool down by 1 round.

Scarlet Blaze:

Bez názvu

Exploding Rocks

Deals Earth damage to up to 2 enemies, causes Ignite and interruption.

If your Oboro clone is in the field, it reduces the cooldown time by 1 round

Battle Cooldown : 0 Rounds

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Caused: Ignite, Interruption

Chakra: 20

Bez názvu

Stalagmite formations

Deal Earth damage up to 7 units and selected opponent's unit will suffer from High-Float and remove Super Armor on selected unit.

If your Oboro clone is in the field, it reduces the cooldown time by 1 round

Battle Cooldown : 1 Round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: High Float

Chakra: 20

Bez názvu

Fire Style - Flame Jutsu

Attack's opponent front row and has high chances of causing 10 COMBO and ignite. This skill never misses

Bez názvu

Feather Illusion Jutsu

Attack's opponent's units front now and causes sleeping and cause sleep to another unit. This skill is not subject to opponent's defensive skills.


Elemental: Ninjutsu Urge

When your Main CHaracter is in field, all units in your field will have their Ninjutsu increased by 20% Moreover, whenever one of your units causes

Ninjutsu damage, they will Heal themselves by 15% of the damage caused.


Death Mirage - Ultimate

In the beginning of each round, decreases the Ninjutsu of up to 3 enemies by 12% and Critical Damage by 20%

Breeze Dancer :

Bez názvu

Burning Hurricane

Deals Wind and Fire damage causing Blindness and Ignite to selected unit and 1 randomly unit.

If there are at least 2 Breeze Dancer's Shadow clones in your Lineups, this skill's Cooldown Time will be reduced by 1 round.

Battle Cooldown : 0 Round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: Blindness,Ignite

Chakra: 20

Bez názvu

Giant Blazing Rasengan

Deals Wind and Fire damage to up to 7 enemies causing Repulse and Ignite.

If there are at least 2 Breeze Dancer's Shadow clones in your Lineups, this skill's Cooldown Time will be reduced by 1 round.

Battle Cooldown : 0 Round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: Repulse,Ignite

Chakra: 20

Bez názvu

Shadow Clone Jutsu

Summons 1-3 Shadow clones at 20% of max life. Clones c*e Taijutsu Attack, with high chance to deal Low Float.

Bez nájzvu

Wind Style - Flaming Gale Fan

Attacks a maximum of 3 of the opponent's units in the front row and causes Ignition there is a chance to cause Repulse. Repulsed units will cause damage to the row behind them.


Elemental: Chakra Coordination

If your Main Character is in the field, every time unit from your lineup recovers Chakra, they will also recover 15% of their Life.


Elemental: Super seksy Harem Jutsu

Before the first action each round, causes Blindness to 1 male ninja and remove its Shields and Buffs.

Crimson Fist :

Bez názvjkhghju

Water Style - Waterspout

Deal Water damage to selected unit causing Slow Down and Interruption, if Crimson Fist have shield on himselfthis skill's Cooldown Time will be reduced by 1 round.

Battle Cooldown : 0 Round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: Slow Down,Interruption

Chakra: 20

Bez názvu

Water Style - Tsunami

Deal Water and Earth damage to up to 7 opponent units and selected opponent unit will suffer from Knockdown. Moreover all units in your Lineups will have shield based on 30% of this unit's Resistance base attribude.

Battle Cooldown : 0 Round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: Knockdown, Slowdown

Chakra: 20

Bez nájzvu

Konoha Hurricane

Attacks a maximum of 3 of the opponent's units in the front row and also has high chance of causing Repulse.

Bez ndázvjkhghju

Earth Style - Petrifying Jutsu

Generates a Shield for 2 of your units with the lowest health based on 15% of this unit's base Resistance, it has a chance of increasing the shield to 25%


Elemental Bottom Force

This unit's Attack will be increased by 10% and Defense increased by 5% every time this unit suffers damage.


Elemental: Defense Knowledge

If this unit is in the field, all your Lineup's units will have their Resistance and Defense increased by 40%

Midnight Blade :

Bez názvu

Sealing Slash

Deals Lighting attribute damage, remove Buffs and Shields cause Acupuncture to selected unit

Battle Cooldown : 0 Round

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Cause: Acupuncture

Chakra: 20


Storm cyclone

Deal Lightning attribude damage and cause Paralysis up to 7 units on the enemy Lineup, Ignore shields and cause Knockdown to the selected opponent unit,if opponents chakra is 0 this mystery deal 50% more damage.

Battle Cooldown : 0 Round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cause: Knockdown, Paralysis

Chakra: 20

hghBez názvu

Beam of Light

Attacks the opponent's unit in the front row and has a given chance of causing 4 COMBO and Knockdown and Critical


Lightning Assassination Sword

Attacks the opponent's unit with the least Life points and has given chance to cause 4 COMBO and High-Float.This skill Ignores Defense and Resistance


Elemental: Anbu Special assault tactics

If your Main Character is in the field, your entire field will have its Attack increased by 25%. Moreover, all units in your field who use a Taijutsu attribute skill will heal themselves in 30% of the damage caused. After using this skill, Midnight Blade will be marked as Anbu.


Elemental: Clone Combination Tactics

At the beginning of a battle, summons 2 Lighting Clones with Life points based on 40% of the main bod's Life. These 2 lightning Cloens will use Wind Assassination Sword as their Standard Attack, also decreases the Main Ninja's own Mistery Cooldown by 1 round. These Lightning Clones last for 4 rounds.

Chakra enhancements:

Every main got buff for their enhancements and now each main can increase Nin/Att up to 2 chakra types

Bez názvu Water: Increase Ninjutsu and Attack for Lighting and Water Attribute units in your lineup by 40% lasts for 5 rounds.

Bez názvu Lightning: Increase Ninjutsu and Attack for Lighting and Wind Attribute units in your lineup by 40% lasts for 5 rounds.

Bez názvu Fire: Increase Ninjutsu and Attack for Fire and Earth Attribute units in your lineup by 40% lasts for 5 rounds.

Bez názvu Wind: Increase Ninjutsu and Attack for Wind and Fire Attribute units in your lineup by 40% lasts for 5 rounds.

Bez názvu Earth: Increase Ninjutsu and Attack for Earth and Water Attribute units in your lineup by 40% lasts for 5 rounds.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2019-07-25 03:21:15.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-30 15:57:01Show All Posts
  • Jugodaime On 2018-09-30 10:05:42
  • thats all well and good, but when!?! when does the US Servers get?

Well yeah, its Brand new function so maybe in 10-15 months there.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2018-09-30 17:15:41.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-30 17:16:24Show All Posts
  • Yuuki S740 On 2018-09-30 17:11:27
  • atleast another year to 2 years

Well i think it will be sooner cuz as we can see oas kinda rushing releasing Ninjas etc..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-30 21:43:20Show All Posts
  • Dresq On 2018-09-30 09:56:54
  • Shark Bomb got STRONGER?!?! What are they smoking over there, I need some!

Yeah and with L.main mystery like masked man there will be much worse control teams

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-30 23:40:27Show All Posts
  • Akuma Bloodline On 2018-09-30 22:03:14
  • sooo fire main get earth ability...wind does fire does water ability hmmmm sound about right -facepalms-

well maybe, but cant wait to see some top players in Space time usin' it

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On 2018-10-01 02:31:32Show All Posts
  • AkatsukiUchiha On 2018-09-30 23:58:00
  • when will the english servers get this update?

Probably around 10-15 months

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On 2018-10-01 06:34:35Show All Posts
  • Akuma Bloodline On 2018-10-01 03:27:58
  • ehh i don't like non of it..doesn't fit there character in my eyes..should be swap around idk....that just my dumb opinion xD

Also this is only first half of skillbreak, the interesting part still comin' like Scarlet Blaze shield mystery, earth main row shield, windmain Dance etc...

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-01 21:18:44Show All Posts
  • Dresq On 2018-10-01 17:38:27
  • Sadly the double element buff will break certain teams, like the newbie favourite GNW Tenten+Mabui+Mei.

Yeah but you can counter it with other broken team xD

And buffs are still for 3 ninjas.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2018-10-01 21:20:16.
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On 2018-10-05 21:05:14Show All Posts
  • SSirus On 2018-10-03 09:25:40
  • I would assume that they're dealing out the patch in 2 separate instances (though not confirmed, just a guess) and so they'er just starting with the first two columns of each main

Correct if you look at them, those are just first 2 Talents from all columns on each Main, so the best mysteries like Shields, Lighting armor, Light boulder etc.. coming soon.

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On 2019-05-22 13:01:19Show All Posts
  • AbwNxJmIXXg6Lff On 2019-05-20 07:51:06
  • As of today. the English servers don't have this. So when will we get this?

Iam not 100% sure when but it will be in few weeks since we are in new version ;) for like month already.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2019-05-22 13:01:44.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-05-22 13:02:03Show All Posts

Added Skillbreak Passives

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On 2019-05-31 23:37:26Show All Posts
  • rum1890 On 2019-05-22 22:15:20
  • Wrong, soon come only what could milk people, not what advantage all. If give some to f2p a bonus is the hell for oasis, better not implement those things and add only whales things, that is how they think. See tsunade npc and %, exam will be more easy right now if they add, but prefere listen whales that wanna destroy fun for f2p.

Imo i still hope it will be "SOON" but iam dissapointed with Kushina Habanero, she had most votes in Official Naruto online discord Poll called

"Which ST/SB ninja you would like to see soon?"

She got like 38% of votes and Naruto sage barely 14% but he's there, yey!

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On 2019-07-17 21:38:21Show All Posts

Tommorow : New Feature: Nature Cultivation

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2019-07-18 00:58:37.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-21 18:17:00Show All Posts
  • tapi7ster@gmail On 2019-07-20 02:31:30
  • I still dislike how there is no earth/wind enchantment

It can't be, its about how each enhancement buff each other naturally.

Quicky Post

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