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[ Events ] Anyone have Zenith Rules ??


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  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-09-24 18:56:57Show All Posts

It's like this.

1) You would be blindly paired to an opponent (you don't know what main he has)

2) You have 5 minutes to draft a team. The ninja pool is NOT YOURS, but preset. You will buy 9 ninjas with points you receive. Sometimes the points you get to spend (same as your opponents), are 24 or 28. Ninjas like Edo Hashirama would cost you 6-8 Points. Gaara (Normal) 2 points, etc. pp. (best you check out the video on the bottom)

3) With those 9 ninjas (and your main, which will be in every team) you need to win 3 rounds. Once you win with a team, all ninjas of this team will be unusable.

3.1) You can freely adjust teams and team composition if you lose. You are not stuck with a team composition.

4) After the draft you will see the ninjas (and main) of your opponent

5) Your initiative does NOT MATTER. You will go first in either 2 or 3 rounds of the bo5. You will see in the team creation modus (but not in the draft modus), in which rounds you go first and which ones you go second

6) You will have access to all the summons and all the summon mysteries.

7) No tactics

8) No treasure tools

You can watch some german videos on youtube. It's called "Gipfelkampf". You will not understand the commentary, but see the principle behind it.

Some german translation.

Draft Modus:

"Nutzbare Punkte" = Points left to spend

"Kompletter Durchbruch" = Fully Skillbroken

"Schicksals Ninja" = Ninja of destiny (this is pretty much just a Ninja which you get for 0 points, despite it usually cost some points).

Team creation / fight modus

"Erster Angriff" = First to act

For example:

Zenith in Germany is kinda dominated by Wind Main (Clones) and Fire Main (obv...). They seem to be the fit for a draft system.


Since a lot of players probably will not be aware of the rules (especially team eliminiation), chances are that they might overstack a team with points (f.e. 16 points in one team). Just instant retreat, give them the round win and eliminate those 16 points. A lot of people might wanna try to take this team down, with their 8-12 points team (especially if they are first to act), ignoring that they would need to beat this team with 2 more teams (which might not be capeable of defeating his 16 point team). Don't be proud. Be smart.

This post was last edited by Pupsiiiii on 2018-09-25 00:12:53.
  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-09-24 19:27:11Show All Posts

Another player. You will only be able to enter Zenith in a preset-time window. Not 24/7

This post was last edited by Pupsiiiii on 2018-09-24 19:28:02.
  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-09-26 18:29:56Show All Posts

Svalawa made a video with good description:

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-09-27 02:20:28Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-09-25 17:56:16
  • "6) You will have access to all the summons and all the summon mysteries." --- Not exactly like this for this rule .. I have some compilations of chats from Official Naruto Online Discord Channel about this Zenith, its not complete but it says the main factors of the this Zenith Arena ..



*cough cough*

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