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[ Lineup ] Whats your favorite lineup you use?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-18 09:09:20Show All Posts
  • Kuebiko On 2018-09-17 22:25:31
  • this narrows u down to 2 people in my sage and i still want to know who you are XD

    my favourite team atm is JM (with bonds), Madara 5kage, water main and edo hashirama :') it's just a massive hole of debuffs (para, tag, immo, ignite, poison, acu, chaos) and solid cancer heals. and when edo hashi gets his skillbreak...well...

    i don't use it, ofc XD i use a variant of JM-sharksame, something i also found off the CN servers and modified. It's a pretty ok team, if slow, and there's a massive blind spot in round 3 which i completely detest. I'm still trying to learn how to play that team better :3

Can you tell me mote about JM-sharkmeda.? Thanks and also talents.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-22 00:25:36Show All Posts
  • S440-Genesis On 2018-09-19 20:33:16
  • was happy till i read edo hashirama

    my fav team is edo deidera madara 5 kage watermain and jinpachi (poison and ignite for the win!!)

    2nd best is minato(bonded) madara 5 kage watermain and kurenai(paralysis poison ignite and tag for the win!!)

Reminds me, I think we just met you in decisive bonds cause I seen your lineup with deidara and cool tobi. So cancerous.

Quicky Post

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