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Interrupting skills


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  • Registered: 2018-02-01
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On 2018-09-15 20:39:12Show All PostsDescending Order
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So after 5.0 it has become impossible to interrupt a skill, unless i try to interrupt the mystery before the other person even casts it. I don't think it is my connection, because I didn't have a problem with interrupting before 5.0, and also it happens every single time. Is this a new kind of skill delay or something?

  • Registered: 2018-02-01
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On 2018-09-15 22:18:57Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2018-09-15 21:11:15
  • There's few conditions that have to be meet for a successful interruption:

    1st. Was opponent casting from position in team that was making it possible for your interrupter to success? aka- never try to interrupt position 1 ninja from your position 2 or even 3 (saw some magicians trying to do this).

    2nd. Ninja which is trying to cast mystery might have immunity for interruption with that certain skill. Keep that in mind.

    3rd. Going back to positions- even if your ninja is on same position- you still need higher initiative and/or good reflexes to succeed.

    4th. Connection might still be a thing- either your or your opponent's.

    Generally speaking, I face much less problems with all kind of delays after the introduction of 5.0 so maybe it's worth to look a bit deeper on the situation- maybe problem lays somewhere else, not in game itself.

1. It happens when my pos 2 ninja tries to interrupt pos 3 or 4.

2. No, i'm sure the ninja I try to interrupt are not immune to interruption. It happens all the time with all sorts of ninja.

3. The issue is not just with equal position, but also lower position casting skill before me.

4. Could be, but I honestly doubt it. My connection is usually good and the game doesn't lag. It also happens almost all the time, so it has to mean that all my opponents have crappy connection? Don't think so.

I forgot to mention that I notice this happening mostly in arena and Matsuri. Not sure if it happens elsewhere or not, since i haven't paid attention. Have to check this out in tomorrow's sage.

Edit: so i tried interruptions with a friend. He used Iruka on pos 1, and with Iruka he could not interrupt my main (pos 2) or Kurenai (pos 4). However, he could interrupt Jinpachi on pos 3... Now what's going on here? Of course, i couldn't interrupt his main who was on pos 4 either. The mystery sign above his main's head appeared half a second before the mystery was cast, so I didn't have time to click my mystery.

This post was last edited by SomeoneRandom on 2018-09-15 22:52:23.
  • Registered: 2018-02-01
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On 2018-09-17 17:55:36Show All Posts


The problem still continues.

  • Registered: 2018-02-01
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On 2018-09-17 20:45:44Show All Posts
  • Kits On 2018-09-17 18:25:21
  • keep in mind that if the control of your unit is less than the opponents unit, you will not be able to interrupt it

The problem here is that I can't even hit them before they use mystery.

  • Registered: 2018-02-01
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On 2018-09-17 22:40:20Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-09-17 21:32:59
  • well you need quick reflexes and a good timing... Personally i don't have a problem when interrupting a mystery, only when i have to interrupt mains... Cause if you try to interrupt them during shiba summoning or katsuyu's healing, their mystery goes first anyway and you go after it...

Thank you! So I'm not the only one having trouble interrupting annoying wind mains.

But it is not only the mains. Have you tried interrupting ninja like GNW Tenten, Gaara, Kurenai, and any other ninja whose mystery does not give extra standard, shield, chakra or clear debuff? Because those literately don't give you enough time to even click your mystery...

Ninja like Jinpachi, Sage Naruto, and water main with experimental ninjutsu (if they use mystery before their standard) are slower because they clear debuffs, give standard or chakra etc before casting mystery, so interrupting is possible.

Quicky Post

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