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[ Suggestions ] New titles and suggestions?


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  • Registered: 2018-03-15
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On 2018-09-05 15:57:07Show All PostsDescending Order
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hey Oasis, is there a reason why we're seeing the *new* titles?:

{Gold Tier} "Supernova" "Shinobi world guardian" "Fastest - Dominator" and "Survival Dominator"

{Purple Tier} "Bridge Master" "Fastest - Valient" "Survival - Valient" and "Shinobi World Support"

{Blue Tier" "Bridge Conqueror" "Extreme Speed" and "Bringer Of Death"

{Suggestion} I think "Bringer Of Death should be in the gold tier because of how much better it sounds then "Fastest - Dominator". not to be offensive, but it sounds much better. And can the group that comes 2nd in {normal} gnw get a {Purple Tier} title? like only for the leaders of their respective groups? Giving that person may be a title like "Tactical Leader"???

Also, can we get A title for RTJ? IT NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO GIVE A TITLE. maybe something like, "if the person doing it is alone, they get a title like "The Destroyer" or if there are 2 people doing it, they both get "The Conquerors" or just "Conquerors" and if there are 3 people doing it, how about "Party Slayer"? (yes that sounds very *, but Oasis might add titles for rtj) ? just a thought.

Also, can there be a {Purple Tier} title for people who come 2nd/3rd in Cat Quiz? because Cat Quiz doesn't really get that much love.

Thank you for reading my post!, and if the titles I recommended for Oasis do come into the game (highly LOW), that'll be SICK.

Quicky Post

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