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[ Events ] Event Cycle - August 23rd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-24 05:41:28Show All Posts
  • Regn On 2018-08-23 21:43:30
  • LOL they priced Hokage Tsunade at 500 ingots probably just because so many got a *ton of her frags last week. Nice move Oasis. Nice move.

That's typically what her price is in events....

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-25 10:17:58Show All Posts
  • Regn On 2018-08-25 01:25:29
  • I don't think Oasis are thinking that far ahead dude. I haven't seen a cancer team with Tsunade in like a year.

It's not just Tsunade. Her, the Hokages (excluding 4th Hokage), and the Super Rares are priced that high for the other reason besides it being rare. Their pricing at the moment does not factor in usefulness. Once we get the wandering merchant (Oasis better not be delaying this), you can check out the base price for each frag for these characters and they are high.

This also applies to the 1st p2w ninja, six-tails naruto, who will be always be priced that high for no good reason.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-08-25 10:21:12.
Quicky Post

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